Publikationen von Oliver A. Stone

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Sarvari, P.; Rasouli, S. J.; Allanki, S.; Stone, O. A.; Sokol, A. M.; Graumann, J.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: The E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Rbx1 regulates cardiac wall morphogenesis in zebrafish. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 480, S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Stone, O. A.; Zhou, B.; Red-Horse, K.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Endothelial ontogeny and the establishment of vascular heterogeneity. BIOESSAYS 43 (7), e2100036 (2021)
Fukuda, R.; Aharonov, A.; Ong, Y. T.; Stone, O. A.; El-Brolosy, M.; Maischein, H.-M.; Potente, M.; Tzahor, E.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Metabolic modulation regulates cardiac wall morphogenesis in zebrafish. ELIFE 8, e50161 (2019)
Stone, O. A.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Paraxial Mesoderm Is the Major Source of Lymphatic Endothelium. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 50 (2), S. 247 - + (2019)
Stone, O. A.; El-Brolosy, M.; Wilhelm, K.; Liu, X.; Romao, A. M.; Grillo, E.; Lai, J. K. H.; Guenther, S.; Jeratsch, S.; Kuenne, C. et al.: Loss of pyruvate kinase M2 limits growth and triggers innate immune signaling in endothelial cells. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9, 4077 (2018)
Lalonde, S.; Stone, O. A.; Lessard, S.; Lavertu, A.; Desjardins, J.; Beaudoin, M.; Rivas, M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.; Lettre, G.: Frameshift indels introduced by genome editing can lead to in-frame exon skipping. PLOS ONE 12 (6), e0178700 (2017)
Matsuoka, R. L.; Rossi, A.; Stone, O. A.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: CNS-resident progenitors direct the vascularization of neighboring tissues. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 (38), S. 10137 - 10142 (2017)
Reischauer, S.; Stone, O. A.; Villasenor, A.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: The specification of the hemato-vascular lineage: Lessons from a small fish. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 219, S. 17 - 17 (2017)
Housley, M. P.; Njaine, B.; Riccardi, F.; Stone, O. A.; Hoelper, S.; Krüger, M.; Kostin, S.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Cavin4b/Murcb Is Required for Skeletal Muscle Development and Function in Zebrafish. PLOS GENETICS 12 (6), e1006099 (2016)
Reischauer, S.; Stone, O. A.; Villasenor, A.; Chi, N.; Jin, S.-W.; Martin, M.; Lee, M. T.; Fukuda, N.; Marass, M.; Witty, A. et al.: Cloche is a bHLH-PAS transcription factor that drives haemato-vascular specification. NATURE 535 (7611), S. 294 - + (2016)