Web of Knowledge provides access to the “Web of Science” (includes Science Citation Index), BIOSIS Previews and the Journal Citation Report. Tools for analyzing search results and creating citation reports are also available.
Using PubMed via this special URL will allow MPG users to take advantage of MPG-SFX Services to retrieve the full-text or other information relevant to the search results.
OvidSP offers high-quality databases such as Medline, PsycInfo, ERIC, etc. under a powerful but intuitive search interface.
ProQuest offers over 40 field-specific databases and Web-resources, covering natural sciences, social sciences, technology, and humanities via an advanced search interface.
Scopus is a multidisciplinary database covering a large selection of scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences journals. Citations are also included (1996 onwards).
STNEasy offers access to databases for chemistry (CAS, REGISTRY), for physics,electronics & computing (INSPEC), and for energy research (ENERGY).
ELFI offers information on more than 7.500 programs on research funding and about 3.500 national and international sponsors
Full texts
eJournals of the Max Planck Society are available via the EZB (Electonic Journals Library). It provides access to the extensive collection of eJournals subscribed by the MPG, through central or local licenses.
eBooks of the Max Planck Society are comprehensive collections of eBooks and electronic reference works centrally licensed by the MPDL (Max Planck Digital Library) or by local MPI libraries.
JOVE creates the ultimate solutions for advancing research and science education by making and publishing videos of scientific experiments from the top laboratories around the globe.
Journal Sections licensed for MPI: Medicine, Biology, Developmental Biology
MPG Repository
The MPG eDoc Server provides an entry point to the accumulated research output of the Max Planck Society. Via eDoc, scientists can make their work openly accessible online. Data in eDoc is gradually being migrated to the more flexible and powerful system PubMan.
JSTOR provides access to the full-texts of selected scholarly journals from all disciplines back to the 17th century. Contents of the texts (including captions) are fully searchable.
The Faculty of 1000 is a recommendation service that highlights recently published research papers in the life sciences based on the evaluations by a faculty of over 1000 leading scientists.
Henry Stewart Talks - "Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection" is a collection of over 1400 online lectures by world leading experts in their respective fields (including Nobel Laureates and members of the MPG).
Open Access