Publikationen von Michail Yekelchyk

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Cardeira-da-Silva, J.; Wang, Q.; Sagvekar, P.; Mintcheva, J.; Latting, S.; Guenther, S.; Ramadass, R.; Yekelchyk, M.; Preussner, J.; Looso, M. et al.; Junker, J. P.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Antigen presentation plays positive roles in the regenerative response to cardiac injury in zebrafish. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 15 (1), 3637 (2024)
Yekelchyk, M.; Madan, E.; Wilhelm, J.; Short, K. R.; Liao, L.; Camacho, D.; Nkadori, E.; Winters, M. T.; Rice, E. S.; Rolim, I. et al.; Cruz-Duarte, R.; Pelham, C. J.; Nagane, M.; Gupta, K.; Chaudhary, S.; Braun, T.; Pillappa, R.; Parker, M. S.; Menter, T.; Matter, M.; Haslbauer, J. D.; Tolnay, M.; Galior, K. D.; Matkwoskyj, K. A.; McGregor, S. M.; Muller, L. K.; Rakha, E. A.; Lopez-Beltran, A.; Drapkin, R.; Ackermann, M.; Fisher, P. B.; Grossman, S. R.; Godwin, A. K.; Kulasinghe, A.; Martinez, I.; Marsh, C. B.; Tang, B.; Wicha, M. S.; Won, K. J.; Tzankov, A.; Moreno, E.; Gogna, R.: Flower lose, a cell fitness marker, predicts COVID-19 prognosis. EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE, e13714 (2021)
Parker, T. M.; Gupta, K.; Palma, A. M.; Yekelchyk, M.; Fisher, P. B.; Grossman, S. R.; Won, K. J.; Madan, E.; Moreno, E.; Gogna, R.: Cell competition in intratumoral and tumor microenvironment interactions. EMBO JOURNAL, e107271 (2021)
Madan, E.; Peixoto, M. L.; Dimitrion, P.; Eubank, T. D.; Yekelchyk, M.; Talukdar, S.; Fisher, P. B.; Mi, Q.-S.; Moreno, E.; Gogna, R.: Cell Competition Boosts Clonal Evolution and Hypoxic Selection in Cancer. TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY 30 (12), S. 967 - 978 (2020)
Leisegang, M. S.; Bibli, S.-I.; Guenther, S.; Pflueger-Mueller, B.; Oo, J. A.; Hoeper, C.; Seredinski, S.; Yekelchyk, M.; Schmitz-Rixen, T.; Schuermann, C. et al.; Hu, J.; Looso, M.; Sigala, F.; Boon, R. A.; Fleming, I.; Brandes, R. P.: Pleiotropic effects of laminar flow and statins depend on the Kruppel-like factor-induced lncRNA MANTIS. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 40 (30), S. 2523 - 2533 (2019)
Yekelchyk, M.; Guenther, S.; Preussner, J.; Braun, T.: Mono- and multi-nucleated ventricular cardiomyocytes constitute a transcriptionally homogenous cell population. BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY 114 (5), 36 (2019)
Jia, G.; Preussner, J.; Chen, X.; Guenther, S.; Yuan, X.; Yekelchyk, M.; Kuenne, C.; Looso, M.; Zhou, Y.; Teichmann, S. et al.; Braun, T.: Single cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis of cardiac progenitor cell transition states and lineage settlement. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9, 4877 (2018)
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