Publikationen von Didier Y.R. Stainier

Zeitschriftenartikel (159)

Gerri, C.; Marin-Juez, R.; Rossi, A.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Role of the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway in cardiovascular system development in zebrafish. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 216 (2016)
Goessling, W.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Endoderm specification and liver development. ZEBRAFISH: CELLULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, PT B: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, S. 463 - 483 (2016)
Goessling, W.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Endoderm specification and liver development. ZEBRAFISH: CELLULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, PT B: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, S. 463 - 483 (2016)
Housley, M. P.; Njaine, B.; Riccardi, F.; Stone, O. A.; Hoelper, S.; Krüger, M.; Kostin, S.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Cavin4b/Murcb Is Required for Skeletal Muscle Development and Function in Zebrafish. PLOS GENETICS 12 (6), e1006099 (2016)
Jimenez-Amilburu, V.; Rasouli, S. J.; Staudt, D. W.; Nakajima, H.; Chiba, A.; Mochizuki, N.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: In Vivo Visualization of Cardiomyocyte Apicobasal Polarity Reveals Epithelial to Mesenchymal-like Transition during Cardiac Trabeculation. CELL REPORTS 17 (10), S. 2687 - 2699 (2016)
Koenig, A. L.; Baltrunaite, K.; Bower, N. I.; Rossi, A.; Stainier, D. Y.R.; Hogan, B. M.; Sumanas, S.: Vegfa signaling promotes zebrafish intestinal vasculature development through endothelial cell migration from the posterior cardinal vein. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 411 (1), S. 115 - 127 (2016)
Kwon, H.-B.; Wang, S.; Helker, C. S.M.; Rasouli, S. J.; Maischein, H.-M.; Offermanns, S.; Herzog, W.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: In vivo modulation of endothelial polarization by Apelin receptor signalling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 7, 11805 (2016)
Marin-Juez, R.; Marass, M.; Gauvrit, S.; Rossi, A.; Lai, S.-L.; Materna, S. C.; Black, B. L.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Fast revascularization of the injured area is essential to support zebrafish heart regeneration. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 113 (40), S. 11237 - 11242 (2016)
Matsuda, H.; Mullapudi, S. T.; Yang, Y. H. C.; Hesselson, D.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Whole organism chemical screening to identify modulators of beta cell function. DIABETOLOGIA 59, S. S260 - S260 (2016)
Matsuoka, R. L.; Marass, M.; Avdesh, A.; Helker, C. S.M.; Maischein, H.-M.; Grosse, A. S.; Kaur, H.; Lawson, N. D.; Herzog, W.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Radial glia regulate vascular patterning around the developing spinal cord. eLife 5, e20253 (2016)
Mokalled, M. H.; Patra, C.; Dickson, A. L.; Endo, T.; Stainier, D. Y.R.; Poss, K. D.: Injury-induced ctgfa directs glial bridging and spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish. SCIENCE 354 (6312), S. 630 - 634 (2016)
Orr, N.; Arnaout, R.; Gula, L. J.; Spears, D. A.; Leong-Sit, P.; Li, Q.; Tarhuni, W.; Reischauer, S.; Chauhan, V. S.; Borkovich, M. et al.; Uppal, S.; Adler, A.; Coughlin, S. R.; Stainier, D. Y.R.; Gollob, M. H.: A mutation in the atrial-specific myosin light chain gene (MYL4) causes familial atrial fibrillation. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 7, 11303 (2016)
Pestel, J.; Ramadass, R.; Gauvrit, S.; Helker, C. S.M.; Herzog, W.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Real-time 3D visualization of cellular rearrangements during cardiac valve formation. DEVELOPMENT 143 (12), S. 2217 - 2227 (2016)
Rasouli, S. J.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Klf2 is required for myocardial wall integrity in zebrafish. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 27 (2016)
Rasouli, S. J.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Klf2 is required for myocardial wall integrity in zebrafish. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 27 (2016)
Reischauer, S.; Stone, O. A.; Villasenor, A.; Chi, N.; Jin, S.-W.; Martin, M.; Lee, M. T.; Fukuda, N.; Marass, M.; Witty, A. et al.; Fiddes, I.; Kuo, T.; Chung, W.-S.; Salek, S.; Lerrigo, R.; Alsio, J.; Luo, S.; Tworus, D.; Augustine, S. M.; Mucenieks, S.; Nystedt, B.; Giraldez, A. J.; Schroth, G. P.; Andersson, O.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Cloche is a bHLH-PAS transcription factor that drives haemato-vascular specification. NATURE 535 (7611), S. 294 - + (2016)
Rossi, A.; Gauvrit, S.; Marass, M.; Pan, L.; Moens, C. B.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Regulation of Vegf signaling by natural and synthetic ligands. BLOOD 128 (19), S. 2359 - 2366 (2016)
Stainier, D. Y.R.: Genetic compensation induced by deleterious mutations but not gene knockdowns. TRANSGENIC RESEARCH 25 (2), S. 213 - 213 (2016)
Yang, Y. H. C.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Neural crest cells are required for autonomic innervation of the endocrine pancreas. DIABETOLOGIA 59, S. S201 - S201 (2016)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Jakutis, G.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Genotype-Phenotype Relationships in the Context of Transcriptional Adaptation and Genetic Robustness. In: ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS, VOL 55, Bd. 55, S. 71 - 91. (2021)
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