Publikationen von Mario Looso

Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Drekolia, M.-K.; Talyan, S.; Emidio, R. C.; Boon, R. A.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Dumbovic, G.; Bibli, S.-I.: Unravelling the impact of aging on the human endothelial lncRNA transcriptome. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS 13, 1035380 (2022)
Kuhnert, S.; Mansouri, S.; Rieger, M. A.; Savai, R.; Avci, E.; Diaz-Pina, G.; Padmasekar, M.; Looso, M.; Hadzic, S.; Acker, T. et al.; Klatt, S.; Wilhelm, J.; Fleming, I.; Sommer, N.; Weissmann, N.; Vogelmeier, C.; Bals, R.; Zeiher, A.; Dimmeler, S.; Seeger, W.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Association of Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential with Inflammatory Gene Expression in Patients with COPD. CELLS 11 (13), 2121 (2022)
Ustjanzew, A.; Preussner, J.; Bentsen, M.; Kuenne, C.; Looso, M.: i2dash: Creation of Flexible, Interactive, and Web-based Dashboards for Visualization of Omics Data. GENOMICS PROTEOMICS & BIOINFORMATICS 20 (3), S. 568 - 577 (2022)
Chelladurai, P.; Kuenne, C.; Bourgeois, A.; Guenther, S.; Valasarajan, C.; Cherian V, A.; Rottier, R. J.; Romanet, C.; Weigert, A.; Boucherat, O. et al.; Eichstaedt, C. A.; Ruppert, C.; Guenther, A.; Braun, T.; Looso, M.; Savai, R.; Seeger, W.; Bauer, U.-M.; Bonnet, S.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Epigenetic reactivation of transcriptional programs orchestrating fetal lung development in human pulmonary hypertension. SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 14 (648), eabe5407 (2022)
Bentsen, M.; Heger, V.; Schultheis, H.; Kuenne, C.; Looso, M.: TF-COMB - Discovering grammar of transcription factor binding sites. COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 20, S. 4040 - 4051 (2022)
Allanki, S.; Strilic, B.; Scheinberger, L.; Onderwater, Y. L.; Marks, A.; Guenther, S.; Preussner, J.; Kikhi, K.; Looso, M.; Stainier, D. Y. R. et al.; Reischauer, S.: Interleukin-11 signaling promotes cellular reprogramming and limits fibrotic scarring during tissue regeneration. SCIENCE ADVANCES 7 (37), eabg6497 (2021)
Bibli, S.-I.; Hu, J.; Looso, M.; Weigert, A.; Ratiu, C.; Wittig, J.; Drekolia, M. K.; Tombor, L.; Randriamboavonjy, V.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.; Goymann, P.; Lagos, F. D.; Fisslthaler, B.; Zukunft, S.; Kyselova, A.; Justo, A. F. O.; Heidler, J.; Tsilimigras, D.; Brandes, R. P.; Dimmeler, S.; Papapetropoulos, A.; Knapp, S.; Offermanns, S.; Wittig, I.; Nishimura, S. L.; Sigala, F.; Fleming, I.: Mapping the Endothelial Cell S-Sulfhydrome Highlights the Crucial Role of Integrin Sulfhydration in Vascular Function. CIRCULATION 143 (9), S. 935 - 948 (2021)
Bibli, S.-I.; Hu, J.; Looso, M.; Weigert, A.; Ratiu, C.; Wittig, J.; Drekolia, M. K.; Tombor, L.; Randriamboavonjy, V.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.; Goymann, P.; Lagos, F. D.; Fisslthaler, B.; Zukunft, S.; Kyselova, A.; Justo, A. F. O.; Heidler, J.; Tsilimigras, D.; Brandes, R. P.; Dimmeler, S.; Papapetropoulos, A.; Knapp, S.; Offermanns, S.; Wittig, I.; Nishimura, S. L.; Sigala, F.; Fleming, I.: Mapping the Endothelial Cell S-Sulfhydrome Highlights the Crucial Role of Integrin Sulfhydration in Vascular Function. CIRCULATION 143 (9), S. 935 - 948 (2021)
Tombor, L. S.; John, D.; Glaser, S. F.; Luxan, G.; Forte, E.; Furtado, M.; Rosenthal, N.; Baumgarten, N.; Schulz, M. H.; Wittig, J. et al.; Rogg, E.-M.; Manavski, Y.; Fischer, A.; Muhly-Reinholz, M.; Klee, K.; Looso, M.; Selignow, C.; Acker, T.; Bibli, S.-I.; Fleming, I.; Patrick, R.; Harvey, R. P.; Abplanalp, W. T.; Dimmeler, S.: Single cell sequencing reveals endothelial plasticity with transient mesenchymal activation after myocardial infarction. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 12 (1), 681 (2021)
Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J.; Wiegandt, R.; Bentsen, M.; Welker, J.; Kuenne, C.; Preussner, J.; Braun, T.; Looso, M.: multicrispr: gRNA design for prime editing and parallel targeting of thousands of targets. LIFE SCIENCE ALLIANCE 3 (11), e202000757 (2020)
Beisaw, A.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Dallmann, J.; Wu, C.-C.; Bentsen, M.; Looso, M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: AP-1 Contributes to Chromatin Accessibility to Promote Sarcomere Disassembly and Cardiomyocyte Protrusion During Zebrafish Heart Regeneration. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 126 (12), S. 1760 - 1778 (2020)
Bentsen, M.; Goymann, P.; Schultheis, H.; Klee, K.; Petrova, A.; Wiegandt, R.; Fust, A.; Preussner, J.; Kuenne, C.; Braun, T. et al.; Kim, J.; Looso, M.: ATAC-seq footprinting unravels kinetics of transcription factor binding during zygotic genome activation. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 4267 (2020)
Pflueger-Mueller, B.; Oo, J. A.; Heering, J.; Warwick, T.; Proschak, E.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Rezende, F.; Fork, C.; Geisslinger, G. et al.; Thomas, D.; Gurke, R.; Steinhilber, D.; Schulz, M.; Leisegang, M. S.; Brandes, R. P.: The endocannabinoid anandamide has an anti-inflammatory effect on CCL2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY 115 (3), 34 (2020)
Tellkamp, F.; Lang, F.; Ibanez, A.; Abraham, L.; Quezada, G.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Tann, F. J.; Mueller, D.; Cemic, F. et al.; Hemberger, J.; Steinfartz, S.; Krueger, M.: Proteomics of Galapagos Marine Iguanas Links Function of Femoral Gland Proteins to the Immune System. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 19 (9) (2020)
Frickmann, H.; Kuenne, C.; Hagen, R. M.; Podbielski, A.; Normann, J.; Poppert, S.; Looso, M.; Kreikemeyer, B.: Next-generation sequencing for hypothesis-free genomic detection of invasive tropical infections in poly-microbially contaminated, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples - a proof-of-principle assessment. BMC MICROBIOLOGY 19, 75 (2019)
Helker, C. S. M.; Mullapudi, S.-T.; Mueller, L. M.; Preussner, J.; Tunaru, S.; Skog, O.; Kwon, H.-B.; Kreuder, F.; Lancman, J. J.; Bonnavion, R. et al.; Dong, P. D. S.; Looso, M.; Offermanns, S.; Korsgren, O.; Spagnoli, F. M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: A whole organism small molecule screen identifies novel regulators of pancreatic endocrine development. DEVELOPMENT 146 (14), UNSP dev172569 (2019)
Kiweler, M.; Looso, M.; Graumann, J.: MARMoSET - Extracting Publication-ready Mass Spectrometry Metadata from RAW Files. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 18 (8), S. 1700 - 1702 (2019)
Leisegang, M. S.; Bibli, S.-I.; Guenther, S.; Pflueger-Mueller, B.; Oo, J. A.; Hoeper, C.; Seredinski, S.; Yekelchyk, M.; Schmitz-Rixen, T.; Schuermann, C. et al.; Hu, J.; Looso, M.; Sigala, F.; Boon, R. A.; Fleming, I.; Brandes, R. P.: Pleiotropic effects of laminar flow and statins depend on the Kruppel-like factor-induced lncRNA MANTIS. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 40 (30), S. 2523 - 2533 (2019)
Leisegang, M. S.; Gu, L.; Preussner, J.; Guenther, S.; Hitzel, J.; Ratiu, C.; Weigert, A.; Chen, W.; Schwarz, E. C.; Looso, M. et al.; Fork, C.; Brandes, R. P.: The histone demethylase PHF8 facilitates alternative splicing of the histocompatibility antigen HLA-G. FEBS LETTERS 593 (5), S. 487 - 498 (2019)
Preussner, J.; Zhong, J.; Looso, M.; Braun, T.; Kim, J.: Connect-four: genomic analyses of regenerating stem cells identifies zygotic Dux factors as tumor initiators. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR ONCOLOGY 6 (2), e1565469 (2019)
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