Publikationen von Soni Savai Pullamsetti

Zeitschriftenartikel (85)

Josipovic, I.; Fork, C.; Preussner, J.; Prior, K.-K.; Iloska, D.; Vasconez, A. E.; Labocha, S.; Angioni, C.; Thomas, D.; Os, N. F. et al.; Looso, M.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Geisslinger, G.; Steinhilber, D.; Brandes, R. P.; Leisegang, M. S.: PAFAH1B1 and the lncRNA NONHSAT073641 maintain an angiogenic phenotype in human endothelial cells. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 218 (1), S. 13 - 27 (2016)
Li, M.; Riddle, S.; Zhang, H.; D'Alessandro, A.; Flockton, A.; Serkova, N. J.; Hansen, K. C.; Moldvan, R.; McKeon, B. A.; Frid, M. et al.; Kumar, S.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Canovas, A.; Medrano, J. F.; Thomas, M. G.; Iloska, D.; Plecita-Hlavata, L.; Jezek, P.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Fini, M. A.; El Kasmi, K. C.; Zhang, Q.; Stenmark, K. R.: Metabolic Reprogramming Regulates the Proliferative and Inflammatory Phenotype of Adventitial Fibroblasts in Pulmonary Hypertension Through the Transcriptional Corepressor C-Terminal Binding Protein-1. CIRCULATION 134 (15), S. 1105 - 1121 (2016)
Olschewski, A.; Berghausen, E. M.; Eichstaedt, C. A.; Fleischmann, B. K.; Gruenig, E.; Gruenig, G.; Hansmann, G.; Harbaum, L.; Hennigs, J. K.; Jonigk, D. et al.; Kuebler, W. M.; Kwapiszewska, G.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Stacher, E.; Weissmann, N.; Wenzel, D.; Schermuly, R. T.: Pathobiology, pathology and genetics of pulmonary hypertension: Recommendations of the Cologne Consensus Conference 2016. DEUTSCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 141, S. S4 - + (2016)
Pullamsetti, S. S.; Perros, F.; Chelladurai, P.; Yuan, J.; Stenmark, K.: Transcription factors, transcriptional coregulators, and epigenetic modulation in the control of pulmonary vascular cell phenotype: therapeutic implications for pulmonary hypertension (2015 Grover Conference series). Pulmonary Circulation 6 (4), S. 448 - 464 (2016)
Shi, L.; Kojonazarov, B.; Elgheznawy, A.; Popp, R.; Dahal, B. K.; Boehm, M.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Ghofrani, H.-A.; Goedecke, A.; Jungmann, A. et al.; Katus, H. A.; Mueller, O. J.; Schermuly, R. T.; Fisslthaler, B.; Seeger, W.; Fleming, I.: miR-223-IGF-IR signalling in hypoxia- and load-induced right-ventricular failure: a novel therapeutic approach. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 111 (3), S. 184 - 193 (2016)
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