Publikationen von Nina Wettschureck

Zeitschriftenartikel (41)

Sakaguchi, T.; Takefuji, M.; Wettschureck, N.; Hamaguchi, T.; Amano, M.; Kato, K.; Tsuda, T.; Eguchi, S.; Ishihama, S.; Mori, Y. et al.; Yura, Y.; Yoshida, T.; Unno, K.; Okumura, T.; Ishii, H.; Shimizu, Y.; Bando, Y. K.; Ohashi, K.; Ouchi, N.; Enomoto, A.; Offermanns, S.; Kaibuchi, K.; Murohara, T.: Protein Kinase N Promotes Stress-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction Through Phosphorylation of Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor A and Disruption of Its Interaction With Actin. CIRCULATION 140 (21), S. 1737 - 1752 (2019)
Albarran-Juarez, J.; Iring, A.; Wang, S.; Joseph, S.; Grimm, M.; Strilic, B.; Wettschureck, N.; Althoff, T. F.; Offermanns, S.: Piezo1 and G(q)/G(11) promote endothelial inflammation depending on flow pattern and integrin activation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 215 (10), S. 2655 - 2672 (2018)
Breuer, J.; Herich, S.; Schneider-Hohendorf, T.; Chasan I, A.; Wettschureck, N.; Gross, C. C.; Loser, K.; Zarbock, A.; Roth, J.; Klotz, L. et al.; Wiendl, H.; Schwab, N.: Dual action by fumaric acid esters synergistically reduces adhesion to human endothelium. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL 24 (14), S. 1871 - 1882 (2018)
Rodiger, M.; Werno, M. W.; Wilhelmi, I.; Baumeier, C.; Hesse, D.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.; Song, K.; Krauss, M.; Schuermann, A.: Adiponectin release and insulin receptor targeting share trans-Golgi-dependent endosomal trafficking routes. MOLECULAR METABOLISM 8, S. 167 - 179 (2018)
de Azua, I. R.; Mancini, G.; Srivastava, R. K.; Rey, A. A.; Cardinal, P.; Tedesco, L.; Zingaretti, C. M.; Sassmann, A.; Quarta, C.; Schwitter, C. et al.; Conrad, A.; Wettschureck, N.; Vemuri, V. K.; Makriyannis, A.; Hartwig, J.; Mendez-Lago, M.; Bindila, L.; Monory, K.; Giordano, A.; Cinti, S.; Marsicano, G.; Offermanns, S.; Nisoli, E.; Pagotto, U.; Cota, D.; Lutz, B.: Adipocyte cannabinoid receptor CB1 regulates energy homeostasis and alternatively activated macrophages. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 127 (11), S. 4148 - 4162 (2017)
Kaur, H.; Carvalho, J.; Looso, M.; Singh, P.; Chennupati, R.; Preussner, J.; Guenther, S.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Tischner, D.; Classen, S. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Single-cell profiling reveals heterogeneity and functional patterning of GPCR expression in the vascular system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 15700 (2017)
Liu, S.; Lu, S.; Xu, R.; Atzberger, A.; Guenther, S.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Members of Bitter Taste Receptor Cluster Tas2r143/Tas2r135/Tas2r126 Are Expressed in the Epithelium of Murine Airways and Other Non-gustatory Tissues. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 8, 849 (2017)
Tischner, D.; Grimm, M.; Kaur, H.; Staudenraus, D.; Carvalho, J.; Looso, M.; Guenther, S.; Wanke, F.; Moos, S.; Siller, N. et al.; Breuer, J.; Schwab, N.; Zipp, F.; Waisman, A.; Kurschus, F. C.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Single-cell profiling reveals GPCR heterogeneity and functional patterning during neuroinflammation. JCI INSIGHT 2 (15), UNSP e95063 (2017)
Tsuda, T.; Takefuji, M.; Wettschureck, N.; Kotani, K.; Morimoto, R.; Okumura, T.; Kaur, H.; Eguchi, S.; Sakaguchi, T.; Ishihama, S. et al.; Kikuchi, R.; Unno, K.; Matsushita, K.; Ishikawa, S.; Offermanns, S.; Murohara, T.: Corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2 exacerbates chronic cardiac dysfunction. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 214 (7), S. 1877 - 1888 (2017)
Wang, S.; Wang, S.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Integrating force and signalling for hypertension. JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH 54, S. 48 - 48 (2017)
Wanke, F.; Moos, S.; Croxford, A. L.; Heinen, A. P.; Graef, S.; Kalt, B.; Tischner, D.; Zhang, J.; Christen, I.; Bruttger, J. et al.; Yogev, N.; Tang, Y.; Zayoud, M.; Israel, N.; Karram, K.; Reissig, S.; Lacher, S. M.; Reichhold, C.; Mufazalov, I. A.; Ben-Nun, A.; Kuhlmann, T.; Wettschureck, N.; Sailer, A. W.; Rajewsky, K.; Casola, S.; Waisman, A.; Kurschus, F. C.: EBI2 Is Highly Expressed in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions and Promotes Early CNS Migration of Encephalitogenic CD4 T Cells. CELL REPORTS 18 (5), S. 1270 - 1284 (2017)
Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Kaur, H.; Grimm, M.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Lineage tracing of cells involved in atherosclerosis. ATHEROSCLEROSIS 251, S. 445 - 453 (2016)
Grimm, M.; Tischner, D.; Troidl, K.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Sivaraj, K. K.; Bouzas, N. F.; Geisslinger, G.; Binder, C. J.; Wettschureck, N.: S1P(2)/G(12/13) Signaling Negatively Regulates Macrophage Activation and Indirectly Shapes the Atheroprotective B1-Cell Population. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 36 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2016)
Grimm, M.; Tischner, D.; Troidl, K.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Sivaraj, K. K.; Bouzas, N. F.; Geisslinger, G.; Binder, C. J.; Wettschureck, N.: S1P(2)/G(12/13) Signaling Negatively Regulates Macrophage Activation and Indirectly Shapes the Atheroprotective B1-Cell Population. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 36 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2016)
Healy, J. A.; Nugent, A.; Rempel, R. E.; Moffitt, A. B.; Davis, N. S.; Jiang, X.; Shingleton, J. R.; Zhang, J.; Love, C.; Datta, J. et al.; McKinney, M. E.; Tzeng, T. J.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.; Walzer, K. A.; Chi, J.-T.; Rasheed, S. A. K.; Casey, P. J.; Lossos, I. S.; Dave, S. S.: GNA13 loss in germinal center B cells leads to impaired apoptosis and promotes lymphoma in vivo. BLOOD 127 (22), S. 2723 - 2731 (2016)
Kaur, H.; Takefuji, M.; Ngai, C.-Y.; Carvalho, J.; Bayer, J.; Wietelmann, A.; Poetsch, A.; Hoelper, S.; Conway, S. J.; Moellmann, H. et al.; Looso, M.; Troidl, C.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Targeted Ablation of Periostin-Expressing Activated Fibroblasts Prevents Adverse Cardiac Remodeling in Mice. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 118 (12), S. 1906 - + (2016)
Sassmann, A.; Singh, P.; Tang, C.; Wietelmann, A.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Increased apoptosis and browning of TAK1-deficient adipocytes protects against obesity. JCI INSIGHT 1 (7), e81175 (2016)
Wang, S.; Chennupati, R.; Kaur, H.; Iring, A.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Endothelial cation channel PIEZO1 controls blood pressure by mediating flow-induced ATP release. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 126 (12), S. 4527 - 4536 (2016)
Wirth, A.; Wang, S.; Takefuji, M.; Tang, C.; Althoff, T. F.; Schweda, F.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Age-dependent blood pressure elevation is due to increased vascular smooth muscle tone mediated by G-protein signalling. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 109 (1), S. 131 - 140 (2016)
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