Pharmakologie (Abt. II)

Publikationen von Julian Albarran-Juarez

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Nakayama, A.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Liang, G.; Roquid, K. A.; Iring, A.; Tonack, S.; Chen, M.; Mueller, O. J.; Weinstein, L. S.; Offermanns, S.: Disturbed flow-induced G(s)-mediated signaling protects against endothelial inflammation and atherosclerosis. JCI INSIGHT 5 (23), e140485 (2020)
Troidl, K.; Hammerschick, T.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Jung, G.; Schierling, W.; Tonack, S.; Krueger, M.; Matuschke, B.; Troidl, C.; Schaper, W. et al.; Schmitz-Rixen, T.; Preissner, K. T.; Fischer, S.: Shear Stress-Induced miR-143-3p in Collateral Arteries Contributes to Outward Vessel Growth by Targeting Collagen V-alpha 2. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 40 (5), S. E126 - E137 (2020)
Iring, A.; Jin, Y.-J.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Siragusa, M.; Wang, S.; Dancs, P. T.; Nakayama, A.; Tonack, S.; Chen, M.; Kuenne, C. et al.; Sokol, A. M.; Guenther, S.; Martinez, A.; Fleming, I.; Wettschureck, N.; Graumann, J.; Weinstein, L. S.; Offermanns, S.: Shear stress-induced endothelial adrenomedullin signaling regulates vascular tone and blood pressure. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 129 (7), S. 2775 - 2791 (2019)
Albarran-Juarez, J.; Iring, A.; Wang, S.; Joseph, S.; Grimm, M.; Strilic, B.; Wettschureck, N.; Althoff, T. F.; Offermanns, S.: Piezo1 and G(q)/G(11) promote endothelial inflammation depending on flow pattern and integrin activation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 215 (10), S. 2655 - 2672 (2018)
Kaur, H.; Carvalho, J.; Looso, M.; Singh, P.; Chennupati, R.; Preussner, J.; Guenther, S.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Tischner, D.; Classen, S. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Single-cell profiling reveals heterogeneity and functional patterning of GPCR expression in the vascular system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 15700 (2017)
Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Kaur, H.; Grimm, M.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Lineage tracing of cells involved in atherosclerosis. ATHEROSCLEROSIS 251, S. 445 - 453 (2016)
Grimm, M.; Tischner, D.; Troidl, K.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Sivaraj, K. K.; Bouzas, N. F.; Geisslinger, G.; Binder, C. J.; Wettschureck, N.: S1P(2)/G(12/13) Signaling Negatively Regulates Macrophage Activation and Indirectly Shapes the Atheroprotective B1-Cell Population. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 36 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2016)
Grimm, M.; Tischner, D.; Troidl, K.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Sivaraj, K. K.; Bouzas, N. F.; Geisslinger, G.; Binder, C. J.; Wettschureck, N.: S1P(2)/G(12/13) Signaling Negatively Regulates Macrophage Activation and Indirectly Shapes the Atheroprotective B1-Cell Population. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY 36 (1), S. 37 - 48 (2016)
Strilic, B.; Yang, L.; Albarran Juarez, J. A.; Wachsmuth, L.; Han, K.; Mueller, U. C.; Pasparakis, M.; Offermanns, S.: Tumour-cell-induced endothelial cell necroptosis via death receptor 6 promotes metastasis. NATURE 536 (7615), S. 215 - + (2016)
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