Pharmakologie (Abt. II)

Publikationen von ShengPeng Wang

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Alnouri, M. W.; Roquid, K. A.; Bonnavion, R.; Cho, H.; Heering, J.; Kwon, J.; Jaeger, Y.; Wang, S.; Guenther, S.; Wettschureck, N. et al.; Geisslingerb, G.; Gurke, R.; Mueller, C. E.; Proschak, E.; Offermanns, S.: SPMs exert anti- inflammatory and pro- resolving effects through positive allosteric modulation of the prostaglandin EP4 receptor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 121 (41), e2407130121 (2024)
Wang, S.; Wang, B.; Shi, Y.; Moeller, T.; Stegmeyer I, R.; Strilic, B.; Li, T.; Yuan, Z.; Wang, C.; Wettschureck, N. et al.; Vestweber, D.; Offermanns, S.: Mechanosensation by endothelial PIEZO1 is required for leukocyte diapedesis. BLOOD 140 (3), S. 171 - 183 (2022)
Liang, G.; Wang, S.; Shao, J.; Jin, Y.-J.; Xu, L.; Yan, Y.; Guenther, S.; Wang, L.; Offermanns, S.: Tenascin-X Mediates Flow-Induced Suppression of EndMT and Atherosclerosis. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 130 (11), S. 1647 - 1659 (2022)
Peng, Y.; Du, J.; Gunther, S.; Guo, X.; Wang, S.; Schneider, A.; Zhu, L.; Braun, T.: Mechano-signaling via Piezo1 prevents activation and p53-mediated senescence of muscle stem cells. REDOX BIOLOGY 52, 102309 (2022)
Wang, S.; Wang, B.; Shi, Y.; Moller, T.; Stegmeyer, R. I.; Strilic, B.; Li, T.; Yuan, Z.; Wang, C.; Wettschureck, N. et al.; Vestweber, D.; Offermanns, S.: Mechanosensation by endothelial PIEZO1 is required for leukocyte diapedesis. Blood (2022)
Jin, Y.-J.; Chennupati, R.; Li, R.; Liang, G.; Wang, S.; Iring, A.; Graumann, J.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Protein kinase N2 mediates flow-induced endothelial NOS activation and vascular tone regulation. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 131 (21), e145734 (2021)
Xu, L.; Wettschureck, N.; Bai, Y.; Yuan, Z.; Wang, S.: Myofibroblast YAP/TAZ is dispensable for liver fibrosis in mice. JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 75 (1), S. 238 - 241 (2021)
Wang, L.; Rice, M.; Swist, S.; Kubin, T.; Wu, F.; Wang, S.; Kraut, S.; Weissmann, N.; Boettger, T.; Wheeler, M. et al.; Schneider, A.; Braun, T.: BMP9 and BMP10 Act Directly on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells for Generation and Maintenance of the Contractile State. CIRCULATION 143 (14), S. 1394 - 1410 (2021)
Wang, L.; Chennupati, R.; Jin, Y.-J.; Li, R.; Wang, S.; Guenther, S.; Offermanns, S.: YAP/TAZ Are Required to Suppress Osteogenic Differentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. ISCIENCE 23 (12), 101860 (2020)
Wang, L.; Wang, S.; Shi, Y.; Li, R.; Guenther, S.; Ong, Y. T.; Potente, M.; Yuan, Z.; Liu, E.; Offermanns, S.: YAP and TAZ protect against white adipocyte cell death during obesity. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 5455 (2020)
Stanicek, L.; Lozano-Vidal, N.; Bink, D. I.; Hooglugt, A.; Yao, W.; Wittig, I.; van Rijssel, J.; van Buul, J. D.; van Bergen, A.; Klems, A. et al.; Ramms, A. S.; Le Noble, F.; Hofmann, P.; Szulcek, R.; Wang, S.; Offermanns, S.; Ercanoglu, M. S.; Kwon, H.-B.; Stainier, D.; Huveneers, S.; Kurian, L.; Dimmeler, S.; Boon, R. A.: Long non-coding RNA LASSIE regulates shear stress sensing and endothelial barrier function. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 3 (1), 265 (2020)
Wang, S.; Cao, S.; Arhatte, M.; Li, D.; Shi, Y.; Kurz, S.; Hu, J.; Wang, L.; Shao, J.; Atzberger, A. et al.; Wang, Z.; Wang, C.; Zang, W.; Fleming, I.; Wettschureck, N.; Honore, E.; Offermanns, S.: Adipocyte Piezo1 mediates obesogenic adipogenesis through the FGF1/FGFR1 signaling pathway in mice. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1) (2020)
Iring, A.; Jin, Y.-J.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Siragusa, M.; Wang, S.; Dancs, P. T.; Nakayama, A.; Tonack, S.; Chen, M.; Kuenne, C. et al.; Sokol, A. M.; Guenther, S.; Martinez, A.; Fleming, I.; Wettschureck, N.; Graumann, J.; Weinstein, L. S.; Offermanns, S.: Shear stress-induced endothelial adrenomedullin signaling regulates vascular tone and blood pressure. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 129 (7), S. 2775 - 2791 (2019)
Schuermann, C.; Dienst, F. L.; Palfi, K.; Vasconez, A. E.; Oo, J. A.; Wang, S.; Buchmann, G. K.; Offermanns, S.; van de Sluis, B.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.; Guenther, S.; Humbert, P. O.; Lee, E.; Zhu, J.; Weigert, A.; Mathoor, P.; Wittig, I.; Kruse, C.; Brandes, R. P.: The polarity protein Scrib limits atherosclerosis development in mice. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 115 (14), S. 1963 - 1974 (2019)
Yin, W.; Kim, H.-T.; Wang, S.; Gunawan, F.; Li, R.; Buettner, C.; Grohmann, B.; Sengle, G.; Sinner, D.; Offermanns, S. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Fibrillin-2 is a key mediator of smooth muscle extracellular matrix homeostasis during mouse tracheal tubulogenesis. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 53 (3), 1800840 (2019)
Albarran-Juarez, J.; Iring, A.; Wang, S.; Joseph, S.; Grimm, M.; Strilic, B.; Wettschureck, N.; Althoff, T. F.; Offermanns, S.: Piezo1 and G(q)/G(11) promote endothelial inflammation depending on flow pattern and integrin activation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 215 (10), S. 2655 - 2672 (2018)
Yin, W.; Kim, H.-T.; Wang, S.; Gunawan, F.; Wang, L.; Kishimoto, K.; Zhong, H.; Roman, D.; Preussner, J.; Guenther, S. et al.; Graef, V.; Buettner, C.; Grohmann, B.; Looso, M.; Morimoto, M.; Mardon, G.; Offermanns, S.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: The potassium channel KCNJ13 is essential for smooth muscle cytoskeletal organization during mouse tracheal tubulogenesis. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9, 2815 (2018)
Wang, S.; Wang, S.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Integrating force and signalling for hypertension. JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH 54, S. 48 - 48 (2017)
Kwon, H.-B.; Wang, S.; Helker, C. S.M.; Rasouli, S. J.; Maischein, H.-M.; Offermanns, S.; Herzog, W.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: In vivo modulation of endothelial polarization by Apelin receptor signalling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 7, 11805 (2016)
Wang, S.; Chennupati, R.; Kaur, H.; Iring, A.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Endothelial cation channel PIEZO1 controls blood pressure by mediating flow-induced ATP release. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 126 (12), S. 4527 - 4536 (2016)
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