Publikationen von Stefan Offermanns

Zeitschriftenartikel (162)

Wenzel, J.; Hansen, C. E.; Bettoni, C.; Vogt, M. A.; Lembrich, B.; Natsagdorj, R.; Huber, G.; Brands, J.; Schmidt, K.; Assmann, J. C. et al.; Stoelting, I.; Saar, K.; Sedlacik, J.; Fiehler, J.; Ludewig, P.; Wegmann, M.; Feller, N.; Richter, M.; Mueller-Fielitz, H.; Walther, T.; Koenig, G. M.; Kostenis, E.; Raasch, W.; Huebner, N.; Gass, P.; Offermanns, S.; de Wit, C.; Wagner, C. A.; Schwaninger, M.: Impaired endothelium-mediated cerebrovascular reactivity promotes anxiety and respiration disorders in mice. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117 (3), S. 1753 - 1761 (2020)
Abrantes, H. d. C.; Briquet, M.; Schmuziger, C.; Restivo, G.; Puyal, J.; Rosenberg, N.; Rocker, A.-B.; Offermanns, S.; Chatton, J.-Y.: The Lactate Receptor HCAR1 Modulates Neuronal Network Activity through the Activation of G(alpha) and G(beta gamma) Subunits. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 39 (23), S. 4422 - 4433 (2019)
Chennupati, R.; Wirth, A.; Favre, J.; Li, R.; Bonnavion, R.; Jin, Y.-J.; Wietelmann, A.; Schweda, F.; Wettschureck, N.; Henrion, D. et al.; Offermanns, S.: Myogenic vasoconstriction requires G(12)/G(13) and LARG to maintain local and systemic vascular resistance. ELIFE 8, e49374 (2019)
Der, B.; Molnar, P. J.; Ruisanchez, E.; Orsy, P.; Kerek, M.; Farago, B.; Nyirady, P.; Offermanns, S.; Benyo, Z.: NK2 receptor-mediated detrusor muscle contraction involves G(q/11)-dependent activation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and the RhoA-Rho kinase pathway. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY 317 (5), S. F1154 - F1163 (2019)
Erdogmus, S.; Storch, U.; Danner, L.; Becker, J.; Winter, M.; Ziegler, N.; Wirth, A.; Offermanns, S.; Hoffmann, C.; Gudermann, T. et al.; Mederos y Schnitzler, M.: Helix 8 is the essential structural motif of mechanosensitive GPCRs. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 5784 (2019)
Helker, C. S. M.; Mullapudi, S.-T.; Mueller, L. M.; Preussner, J.; Tunaru, S.; Skog, O.; Kwon, H.-B.; Kreuder, F.; Lancman, J. J.; Bonnavion, R. et al.; Dong, P. D. S.; Looso, M.; Offermanns, S.; Korsgren, O.; Spagnoli, F. M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: A whole organism small molecule screen identifies novel regulators of pancreatic endocrine development. DEVELOPMENT 146 (14), UNSP dev172569 (2019)
Iring, A.; Jin, Y.-J.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Siragusa, M.; Wang, S.; Dancs, P. T.; Nakayama, A.; Tonack, S.; Chen, M.; Kuenne, C. et al.; Sokol, A. M.; Guenther, S.; Martinez, A.; Fleming, I.; Wettschureck, N.; Graumann, J.; Weinstein, L. S.; Offermanns, S.: Shear stress-induced endothelial adrenomedullin signaling regulates vascular tone and blood pressure. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 129 (7), S. 2775 - 2791 (2019)
Niaudet, C.; Petkova, M.; Jung, B.; Lu, S.; Lavina, B.; Offermanns, S.; Brakebusch, C.; Betsholtz, C.: Adgrf5 contributes to patterning of the endothelial deep layer in retina. ANGIOGENESIS 22 (4), S. 491 - 505 (2019)
Panta, C. R.; Ruisanchez, E.; More, D.; Dancs, P. T.; Balogh, A.; Fulop, A.; Kerek, M.; Proia, R. L.; Offermanns, S.; Tigyi, G. J. et al.; Benyo, Z.: Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Enhances alpha(1)-Adrenergic Vasoconstriction via S1P2-G(12/13)-ROCK Mediated Signaling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 20 (24), 6361 (2019)
Sakaguchi, T.; Takefuji, M.; Wettschureck, N.; Hamaguchi, T.; Amano, M.; Kato, K.; Tsuda, T.; Eguchi, S.; Ishihama, S.; Mori, Y. et al.; Yura, Y.; Yoshida, T.; Unno, K.; Okumura, T.; Ishii, H.; Shimizu, Y.; Bando, Y. K.; Ohashi, K.; Ouchi, N.; Enomoto, A.; Offermanns, S.; Kaibuchi, K.; Murohara, T.: Protein Kinase N Promotes Stress-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction Through Phosphorylation of Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor A and Disruption of Its Interaction With Actin. CIRCULATION 140 (21), S. 1737 - 1752 (2019)
Schuermann, C.; Dienst, F. L.; Palfi, K.; Vasconez, A. E.; Oo, J. A.; Wang, S.; Buchmann, G. K.; Offermanns, S.; van de Sluis, B.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.; Guenther, S.; Humbert, P. O.; Lee, E.; Zhu, J.; Weigert, A.; Mathoor, P.; Wittig, I.; Kruse, C.; Brandes, R. P.: The polarity protein Scrib limits atherosclerosis development in mice. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 115 (14), S. 1963 - 1974 (2019)
Yang, L.; Joseph, S.; Sun, T.; Hoffmann, J.; Thevissen, S.; Offermanns, S.; Strilic, B.: TAK1 regulates endothelial cell necroptosis and tumor metastasis. CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION 26 (10), S. 1987 - 1997 (2019)
Yin, W.; Kim, H.-T.; Wang, S.; Gunawan, F.; Li, R.; Buettner, C.; Grohmann, B.; Sengle, G.; Sinner, D.; Offermanns, S. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Fibrillin-2 is a key mediator of smooth muscle extracellular matrix homeostasis during mouse tracheal tubulogenesis. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 53 (3), 1800840 (2019)
Albarran-Juarez, J.; Iring, A.; Wang, S.; Joseph, S.; Grimm, M.; Strilic, B.; Wettschureck, N.; Althoff, T. F.; Offermanns, S.: Piezo1 and G(q)/G(11) promote endothelial inflammation depending on flow pattern and integrin activation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 215 (10), S. 2655 - 2672 (2018)
Chen, Y.; Ouyang, X.; Hoque, R.; Garcia-Martinez, I.; Yousaf, M. N.; Tonack, S.; Offermanns, S.; Dubuquoy, L.; Louvet, A.; Mathurin, P. et al.; Massey, V.; Schnabl, B.; Bataller, R. A.; Mehal, W. Z.: beta-Hydroxybutyrate protects from alcohol-induced liver injury via a Hcar2-cAMP dependent pathway. JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 69 (3), S. 687 - 696 (2018)
Coelho, S. C.; Berillo, O.; Caillon, A.; Ouerd, S.; Fraulob-Aquino, J. C.; Barhoumi, T.; Offermanns, S.; Paradis, P.; Schiffrin, E. L.: Three-Month Endothelial Human Endothelin-1 Overexpression Causes Blood Pressure Elevation and Vascular and Kidney Injury. HYPERTENSION 71 (1), S. 208 - 216 (2018)
Dutzmann, J.; Daniel, J. M.; Korte, L.; Kloss, F.; Sirisko, M.; Offermanns, S.; Croce, K. J.; Bauersachs, J. M.; Sedding, D. G.: Adventitial interleukin-6 release is critical for neointima formation. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 39, S. 804 - 805 (2018)
Dutzmann, J.; Daniel, J. M.; Korte, L.; Kloss, F.; Sirisko, M.; Offermanns, S.; Croce, K. J.; Bauersachs, J.; Sedding, D. G.: Adventitial interleukin-6 release is critical for neointima formation. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 114, S. S5 - S5 (2018)
Goodwin, A.; Habgood, A.; Tatler, A. L.; Henderson, N. C.; Offermanns, S.; John, A. E.; Jenkins, R. G.: Mice Deficient in Mesenchymal G(alpha q/11) Signalling Have Airspace Enlargement and Increased Alveolar Wall Thickness Consistent with Defective Alveolarisation. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 197 (2018)
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