Publikationen von Stefan Offermanns

Zeitschriftenartikel (162)

Simonetti, M.; Paldy, E.; Njoo, C.; Bali, K. K.; Worzfeld, T.; Pitzer, C.; Kuner, T.; Offermanns, S.; Mauceri, D.; Kuner, R.: The impact of Semaphorin 4C/Plexin-B2 signaling on fear memory via remodeling of neuronal and synaptic morphology. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 26 (4), S. 1376 - 1398 (2021)
Bibli, S.-I.; Hu, J.; Looso, M.; Weigert, A.; Ratiu, C.; Wittig, J.; Drekolia, M. K.; Tombor, L.; Randriamboavonjy, V.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.; Goymann, P.; Lagos, F. D.; Fisslthaler, B.; Zukunft, S.; Kyselova, A.; Justo, A. F. O.; Heidler, J.; Tsilimigras, D.; Brandes, R. P.; Dimmeler, S.; Papapetropoulos, A.; Knapp, S.; Offermanns, S.; Wittig, I.; Nishimura, S. L.; Sigala, F.; Fleming, I.: Mapping the Endothelial Cell S-Sulfhydrome Highlights the Crucial Role of Integrin Sulfhydration in Vascular Function. CIRCULATION 143 (9), S. 935 - 948 (2021)
Bibli, S.-I.; Hu, J.; Looso, M.; Weigert, A.; Ratiu, C.; Wittig, J.; Drekolia, M. K.; Tombor, L.; Randriamboavonjy, V.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.; Goymann, P.; Lagos, F. D.; Fisslthaler, B.; Zukunft, S.; Kyselova, A.; Justo, A. F. O.; Heidler, J.; Tsilimigras, D.; Brandes, R. P.; Dimmeler, S.; Papapetropoulos, A.; Knapp, S.; Offermanns, S.; Wittig, I.; Nishimura, S. L.; Sigala, F.; Fleming, I.: Mapping the Endothelial Cell S-Sulfhydrome Highlights the Crucial Role of Integrin Sulfhydration in Vascular Function. CIRCULATION 143 (9), S. 935 - 948 (2021)
Jiang, C.; Javed, A.; Kaiser, L.; Nava, M. M.; Xu, R.; Brandt, D. T.; Zhao, D.; Mayer, B.; Fernandez-Baldovinos, J.; Zhou, L. et al.; Hoess, C.; Sawmynaden, K.; Oleksy, A.; Matthews, D.; Weinstein, L. S.; Hahn, H.; Groene, H.-J.; Graumann, P. L.; Niessen, C. M.; Offermanns, S.; Wickstroem, S. A.; Worzfeld, T.: Mechanochemical control of epidermal stem cell divisions by B-plexins. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 12 (1), 1308 (2021)
Dubrall, D.; Pflock, R.; Kosinska, J.; Schmid, M.; Bleich, M.; Himmerkus, N.; Offermanns, S.; Schwaninger, M.; Sachs, B.: Do dimethyl fumarate and nicotinic acid elicit common, potentially HCA(2)-mediated adverse reactions? A combined epidemiological-experimental approach. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY (2021)
Lopez, M.; Malacarne, P. F.; Gajos-Draus, A.; Ding, X.; Daiber, A.; Lundberg, J. O.; Offermanns, S.; Brandes, R. P.; Rezende, F.: Vascular biotransformation of organic nitrates is independent of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 178 (7), S. 1495 - 1506 (2021)
Wang, L.; Chennupati, R.; Jin, Y.-J.; Li, R.; Wang, S.; Guenther, S.; Offermanns, S.: YAP/TAZ Are Required to Suppress Osteogenic Differentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. ISCIENCE 23 (12), 101860 (2020)
Nakayama, A.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Liang, G.; Roquid, K. A.; Iring, A.; Tonack, S.; Chen, M.; Mueller, O. J.; Weinstein, L. S.; Offermanns, S.: Disturbed flow-induced G(s)-mediated signaling protects against endothelial inflammation and atherosclerosis. JCI INSIGHT 5 (23), e140485 (2020)
Horimatsu, T.; Blomkalns, A. L.; Ogbi, M.; Moses, M.; Kim, D.; Patel, S.; Gilreath, N.; Reid, L.; Benson, T. W.; Pye, J. et al.; Ahmadieh, S.; Thompson, A.; Robbins, N.; Mann, A.; Edgell, A.; Benjamin, S.; Stansfield, B. K.; Huo, Y.; Fulton, D. J.; Agarwal, G.; Singh, N.; Offermanns, S.; Weintraub, N. L.; Kim, H. W.: Niacin protects against abdominal aortic aneurysm formation via GPR109A independent mechanisms: role of NAD(+)/nicotinamide. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 116 (14), S. 2226 - 2238 (2020)
Wang, L.; Wang, S.; Shi, Y.; Li, R.; Guenther, S.; Ong, Y. T.; Potente, M.; Yuan, Z.; Liu, E.; Offermanns, S.: YAP and TAZ protect against white adipocyte cell death during obesity. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 5455 (2020)
Blankenbach, K. V.; Claas, R. F.; Aster, N. J.; Spohner, A. K.; Trautmann, S.; Ferreiros, N.; Black, J. L.; Tesmer, J. J. G.; Offermanns, S.; Wieland, T. et al.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, D.: Dissecting G(q/11)-Mediated Plasma Membrane Translocation of Sphingosine Kinase-1. CELLS 9 (10), 2201 (2020)
Kwon, H.-B.; Mackie I, D.; Bonnavion, R.; Le Mercier, A.; Helker, C. S. M.; Son, T.; Guenter, S.; Serafin, D. S.; Kim, K.-W.; Offermanns, S. et al.; Caron, K. M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: The Orphan G-Protein Coupled Receptor 182 Is a Negative Regulator of Definitive Hematopoiesis through Leukotriene B4 Signaling. ACS PHARMACOLOGY & TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE 3 (4), S. 676 - 689 (2020)
Li, M.; Nishio, S.-y.; Naruse, C.; Riddell, M.; Sapski, S.; Katsuno, T.; Hikita, T.; Mizapourshafiyi, F.; Smith, F. M.; Cooper, L. T. et al.; Lee, M. G.; Asano, M.; Boettger, T.; Krueger, M.; Wietelmann, A.; Graumann, J.; Day, B. W.; Boyd, A. W.; Offermanns, S.; Kitajiri, S.-i.; Usami, S.-i.; Nakayama, M.: Digenic inheritance of mutations in EPHA2 and SLC26A4 in Pendred syndrome. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 1343 (2020)
Bae, H.; Hong, K. Y.; Lee, C.-k.; Jang, C.; Lee, S.-J.; Choe, K.; Offermanns, S.; He, Y.; Lee, H. J.; Koh, G. Y.: Angiopoietin-2-integrin alpha 5 beta 1 signaling enhances vascular fatty acid transport and prevents ectopic lipid-induced insulin resistance. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1) (2020)
Carvalho, J.; Chennupati, R.; Li, R.; Guenther, S.; Kaur, H.; Zhao, W.; Tonack, S.; Kurz, M.; Moesslein, N.; Buenemann, M. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPRC5B Controls Smooth Muscle Contractility and Differentiation by Inhibiting Prostacyclin Receptor Signaling. CIRCULATION 141 (14), S. 1168 - 1183 (2020)
Khatib-Massalha, E.; Bhattacharya, S.; Massalha, H.; Biram, A.; Golan, K.; Kollet, O.; Kumari, A.; Avemaria, F.; Petrovich-Kopitman, E.; Gur-Cohen, S. et al.; Itkin, T.; Brandenburger, I.; Spiegel, A.; Shulman, Z.; Gerhart-Hines, Z.; Itzkovitz, S.; Gunzer, M.; Offermanns, S.; Alon, R.; Ariel, A.; Lapidot, T.: Lactate released by inflammatory bone marrow neutrophils induces their mobilization via endothelial GPR81 signaling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 3547 (2020)
Simmons, J. D.; Peterson, G. J.; Campo, M.; Lohmiller, J.; Skerrett, S. J.; Tunaru, S.; Offermanns, S.; Sherman, D. R.; Hawn, T. R.: Nicotinamide Limits Replication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Bacille Calmette-Guerin Within Macrophages. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 221 (6), S. 989 - 999 (2020)
Sreenivasan, K.; Ianni, A.; Kuenne, C.; Strilic, B.; Guenther, S.; Perdiguero, E.; Krueger, M.; Spuler, S.; Offermanns, S.; Gomez-del Arco, P. et al.; Miguel Redondo, J.; Munoz-Canoves, P.; Kim, J.; Braun, T.: Attenuated Epigenetic Suppression of Muscle Stem Cell Necroptosis Is Required for Efficient Regeneration of Dystrophic Muscles. CELL REPORTS 31 (7), UNSP 107652 (2020)
Stanicek, L.; Lozano-Vidal, N.; Bink, D. I.; Hooglugt, A.; Yao, W.; Wittig, I.; van Rijssel, J.; van Buul, J. D.; van Bergen, A.; Klems, A. et al.; Ramms, A. S.; Le Noble, F.; Hofmann, P.; Szulcek, R.; Wang, S.; Offermanns, S.; Ercanoglu, M. S.; Kwon, H.-B.; Stainier, D.; Huveneers, S.; Kurian, L.; Dimmeler, S.; Boon, R. A.: Long non-coding RNA LASSIE regulates shear stress sensing and endothelial barrier function. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 3 (1), 265 (2020)
Wang, S.; Cao, S.; Arhatte, M.; Li, D.; Shi, Y.; Kurz, S.; Hu, J.; Wang, L.; Shao, J.; Atzberger, A. et al.; Wang, Z.; Wang, C.; Zang, W.; Fleming, I.; Wettschureck, N.; Honore, E.; Offermanns, S.: Adipocyte Piezo1 mediates obesogenic adipogenesis through the FGF1/FGFR1 signaling pathway in mice. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1) (2020)
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