Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Aditya M. Bhagwat

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Hammoud, M. K.; Dietze, R.; Pesek, J.; Finkernagel, F.; Unger, A.; Bieringer, T.; Nist, A.; Stiewe, T.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Nockher, W. A. et al.; Reinartz, S.; Muller-Brusselbach, S.; Graumann, J.; Mueller, R.: Arachidonic acid, a clinically adverse mediator in the ovarian cancer microenvironment, impairs JAK-STAT signaling in macrophages by perturbing lipid raft structures. MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY (2022)
Journal Article
Majeed, Y.; Halabi, N.; Madani, A. Y.; Engelke, R.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Abdesselem, H.; Agha V, M.; Vakayil, M.; Courjaret, R.; Goswami, N. et al.; Ben Hamidane, H.; Elrayess, M. A.; Rafii, A.; Graumann, J.; Schmidt, F.; Mazloum, N. A.: SIRT1 promotes lipid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in adipocytes and coordinates adipogenesis by targeting key enzymatic pathways. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11 (1), 8177 (2021)
Journal Article
Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J.; Wiegandt, R.; Bentsen, M.; Welker, J.; Kuenne, C.; Preussner, J.; Braun, T.; Looso, M.: multicrispr: gRNA design for prime editing and parallel targeting of thousands of targets. LIFE SCIENCE ALLIANCE 3 (11), e202000757 (2020)
Journal Article
Fukuda, R.; Marin-Juez, R.; EI-Sammak, H.; Beisaw, A.; Ramadass, R.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Konzer, A.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Stimulation of glycolysis promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation after injury in adult zebrafish. EMBO REPORTS, e49752 (2020)
Journal Article
Achkar, I. W.; Kader, S.; Dib, S. S.; Junejo, K.; Al-Bader, S. B.; Hayat, S.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Rousset, X.; Wang, Y.; Viallet, J. et al.; Suhre, K.; Halama, A.: Metabolic Signatures of Tumor Responses to Doxorubicin Elucidated by Metabolic Profiling in Ovo. METABOLITES 10 (7), 268 (2020)
Journal Article
Fukuda, R.; Marin-Juez, R.; El-Sammak, H.; Beisaw, A.; Ramadass, R.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Konzer, A.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Stimulation of glycolysis promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation after injury in adult zebrafish. EMBO REPORTS 21 (8), e49752 (2020)
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