Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Jordan M. Welker

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Welker, J. M.; Serobyan, V.; Esfahani , E. Z.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Partial sequence identity in a 25-nucleotide long element is sufficient for transcriptional adaptation in the Caenorhabditis elegans act-5/act-3 model. PLOS GENETICS 19 (6), e1010806 (2023)
Journal Article
Jiang, Z.; El-Brolosy, M. A.; Serobyan, V.; Welker, J. M.; Retzer, N.; Dooley, C. M.; Jakutis, G.; Juan, T.; Fukuda, N.; Maischein, H.-M. et al.; Balciunas, D.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Parental mutations influence wild-type offspring via transcriptional adaptation. SCIENCE ADVANCES 8 (47), eabj2029 (2022)
Journal Article
Almeida, M. P.; Welker, J. M.; Siddiqui, S.; Luiken, J.; Ekker, S. C.; Clark, K. J.; Essner, J. J.; McGrail, M.: Endogenous zebrafish proneural Cre drivers generated by CRISPR/Cas9 short homology directed targeted integration. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11 (1), 1732 (2021)
Journal Article
Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J.; Wiegandt, R.; Bentsen, M.; Welker, J.; Kuenne, C.; Preussner, J.; Braun, T.; Looso, M.: multicrispr: gRNA design for prime editing and parallel targeting of thousands of targets. LIFE SCIENCE ALLIANCE 3 (11), e202000757 (2020)
Journal Article
Serobyan, V.; Kontarakis, Z.; El-Brolosy, M. A.; Welker, J. M.; Tolstenkov, O.; Saadeldein, A. M.; Retzer, N.; Gottschalk, A.; Wehman, A. M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Transcriptional adaptation in Caenorhabditis elegans. ELIFE 9, e50014 (2020)
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