Lung Development and Remodelling (Emeritus Group)

Lung Development and Remodelling (Emeritus Group)

Respiratory diseases rank second only to cardiovascular diseases in terms of mortality, incidence, prevalence, and socio-economic burden. The Emeritus Group Lung Development and Remodelling addresses diseases that affect the lung parenchyma, with a focus on the three functional compartments of the parenchyma, the vascular, interstitial, and alveolar compartments. Pathological remodelling events in these structures, which result in the loss of proper architecture and severe impairment of lung function, are central to the research conducted in this department. Moreover, particular attention is paid to the development of new treatment concepts, thus shaping the translational focus of this Group. Topics predominantly addressed are:

  • Molecular mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension (PH), a disease secondary to pathological inward vascular remodelling with severe loss of luminal cross-sectional area of the precapillary lung resistance vessels, causing right heart failure
  • Perturbations in alveolar development and maintenance, underlying newborn diseases such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and acute (acute lung injury [ALI]) and chronic (emphysema) diseases of the adult lung
  • Molecular mechanisms of lung cancer growth and metastasis with focus on the specific features of the lung microenvironment as tumor niche


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