Publications of Andras Iring
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Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
220 (1), e20211628 (2023)
Suppression of CCL2 angiocrine function by adrenomedullin promotes tumor growth. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2021
Journal Article
131 (21), e145734 (2021)
Protein kinase N2 mediates flow-induced endothelial NOS activation and vascular tone regulation. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2020
Journal Article
5 (23), e140485 (2020)
Disturbed flow-induced G(s)-mediated signaling protects against endothelial inflammation and atherosclerosis. JCI INSIGHT 2019
Journal Article
129 (7), pp. 2775 - 2791 (2019)
Shear stress-induced endothelial adrenomedullin signaling regulates vascular tone and blood pressure. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2018
Journal Article
215 (10), pp. 2655 - 2672 (2018)
Piezo1 and G(q)/G(11) promote endothelial inflammation depending on flow pattern and integrin activation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2017
Journal Article
240, pp. 48 - 52 (2017)
CB1 receptor-mediated respiratory depression by endocannabinoids. RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROBIOLOGY 2016
Journal Article
311 (4), pp. H972 - H980 (2016)
Adaptation of the cerebrocortical circulation to carotid artery occlusion involves blood flow redistribution between cortical regions and is independent of eNOS. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY
Journal Article
126 (12), pp. 4527 - 4536 (2016)
Endothelial cation channel PIEZO1 controls blood pressure by mediating flow-induced ATP release. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION