Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Ramesh Chennupati

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Jin, Y.-J.; Chennupati, R.; Li, R.; Liang, G.; Wang, S.; Iring, A.; Graumann, J.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Protein kinase N2 mediates flow-induced endothelial NOS activation and vascular tone regulation. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 131 (21), e145734 (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, L.; Chennupati, R.; Jin, Y.-J.; Li, R.; Wang, S.; Guenther, S.; Offermanns, S.: YAP/TAZ Are Required to Suppress Osteogenic Differentiation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. ISCIENCE 23 (12), 101860 (2020)
Journal Article
Carvalho, J.; Chennupati, R.; Li, R.; Guenther, S.; Kaur, H.; Zhao, W.; Tonack, S.; Kurz, M.; Moesslein, N.; Buenemann, M. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPRC5B Controls Smooth Muscle Contractility and Differentiation by Inhibiting Prostacyclin Receptor Signaling. CIRCULATION 141 (14), pp. 1168 - 1183 (2020)
Journal Article
Troidl, K.; Schubert, C.; Vlacil, A.-K.; Chennupati, R.; Koch, S.; Schuett, J.; Oberoi, R.; Schaper, W.; Schmitz-Rixen, T.; Schieffer, B. et al.; Grote, K.: The Lipopeptide MALP-2 Promotes Collateral Growth. CELLS 9 (4), 997 (2020)
Journal Article
Chennupati, R.; Wirth, A.; Favre, J.; Li, R.; Bonnavion, R.; Jin, Y.-J.; Wietelmann, A.; Schweda, F.; Wettschureck, N.; Henrion, D. et al.; Offermanns, S.: Myogenic vasoconstriction requires G(12)/G(13) and LARG to maintain local and systemic vascular resistance. ELIFE 8, e49374 (2019)
Journal Article
Kaur, H.; Carvalho, J.; Looso, M.; Singh, P.; Chennupati, R.; Preussner, J.; Guenther, S.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Tischner, D.; Classen, S. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Single-cell profiling reveals heterogeneity and functional patterning of GPCR expression in the vascular system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 15700 (2017)
Journal Article
Tunaru, S.; Chennupati, R.; Nuesing, R. M.; Offermanns, S.: Arachidonic Acid Metabolite 19(S)-HETE Induces Vasorelaxation and Platelet Inhibition by Activating Prostacyclin (IP) Receptor. PLOS ONE 11 (9), e0163633 (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, S.; Chennupati, R.; Kaur, H.; Iring, A.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Endothelial cation channel PIEZO1 controls blood pressure by mediating flow-induced ATP release. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 126 (12), pp. 4527 - 4536 (2016)
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