Entwicklung und Umbau der Lunge (Emeritus Gruppe)

Publikationen von Astrid Wietelmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (28)

Maroli, G.; Scha, A.; Guenther, S.; -Gonzalez, C. G.; Rupp, S.; Schlierbach, H.; Chen, Y.; Graumann, J.; Wietelmann, A.; Kim, J. et al.: Inhibition of autophagy prevents cardiac dysfunction at early stages of cardiomyopathy in Bag3-deficient hearts. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY 193, S. 53 - 66 (2024)
Hachenberger, M.; Braun, T.; Gerner, S. T.; Suenner, L.; Schaenzer, A.; Juenemann, M.; Mueller, C.; Wietelmann, A.; Stolz, E.; Schoenburg, M. et al.: Aluminium Chloride instead of Ferric chloride for inducing superior sagittal sinus thrombosis to reduce ferromagnetic artifacts on MRI-imaging in experimental models. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 10998 (2024)
Li, X.; Wu, F.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Kuenne, C.; Zhang, T.; Wiesnet, M.; Klatt, S.; Zukunft, S.; Fleming, I. et al.: Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation enables heart regeneration in adult mice. NATURE (2023)
Hachenberger, M.; Yeniguen , M.; Suenner , L.; Hinchliffe , D.; Mueller, C.; Wietelmann, A.; Gerriets, T.; Tschernatsch, M.; Juenemann, M.; Gerner, S. T. et al.: Comparison of edoxaban and enoxaparin in a rat model of AlCl3-induced thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY (7) (2023)
Nayakanti, S. R.; Friedrich, A.; Sarode, P.; Jafari, L.; Maroli, G.; Boehm, M.; Bourgeois, A.; Grobs, Y.; Khassafi, F.; Kuenne, C. et al.: Targeting Wnt-ss-Catenin-FOSL Signaling Ameliorates Right Ventricular Remodeling. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 132 (11), S. 1468 - 1485 (2023)
Gatsiou, A.; Tual-Chalot, S.; Napoli, M.; Ortega-Gomez, A.; Regen, T.; Badolia, R.; Cesarini, V.; Garcia-Gonzalez, C.; Chevre, R.; Ciliberti, G. et al.: The RNA editor ADAR2 promotes immune cell trafficking by enhancing endothelial responses to interleukin-6 during sterile inflammation. IMMUNITY 56 (5), S. 979 - + (2023)
Li, R.; Shao, J.; Jin, Y. J.; Haruya, K.; Ong, Y. T.; Troidl, K.; Quan, Q.; Wang, L.; Bonnavion, R.; Wietelmann, A. et al.: Endothelial FAT1 inhibits angiogenesis by controlling YAP/TAZ protein degradation via E3 ligase MIB2. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 14 (1), 1980 (2023)
Garcia-Gonzalez, C.; Dieterich, C.; Maroli, G.; Wiesnet, M.; Wietelmann, A.; Li, X.; Yuan, X.; Graumann, J.; Stellos, K.; Kubin, T. et al.: ADAR1 Prevents Autoinflammatory Processes in the Heart Mediated by IRF7. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 131 (7), S. 580 - 597 (2022)
Loerchner, H.; Adrian-Segarra, J. M.; Waechter, C.; Wagner, R.; Goes, M. E.; Brachmann, N.; Sreenivasan, K.; Wietelmann, A.; Guenther, S.; Doll, N. et al.: Concomitant Activation of OSM and LIF Receptor by a Dual-Specific hlOSM Variant Confers Cardioprotection after Myocardial Infarction in Mice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 23 (1), 353 (2022)
Bensimon-Brito, A.; Boezio, G. L. M.; Cardeira-da-Silva, J.; Wietelmann, A.; Ramkumar, S.; Lundegaard, P. R.; Helker, C. S. M.; Ramadass, R.; Piesker, J.; Nauerth, A. et al.: Integration of multiple imaging platforms to uncover cardiovascular defects in adult zebrafish. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, cvab310 (2021)
Braun, T.; Suenner, L.; Hachenberger, M.; Mueller, C.; Wietelmann, A.; Juenemann, M.; Pons-Kuehnemann, J.; Kaps, M.; Gerriets, T.; Tschernatsch, M. et al.: Microbubble-mediated sonothrombolysis with BR38 of a venous full blood thrombus in a rat embolic stroke model. ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 9 (13), 1061 (2021)
Li, M.; Nishio, S.-y.; Naruse, C.; Riddell, M.; Sapski, S.; Katsuno, T.; Hikita, T.; Mizapourshafiyi, F.; Smith, F. M.; Cooper, L. T. et al.: Digenic inheritance of mutations in EPHA2 and SLC26A4 in Pendred syndrome. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 1343 (2020)
El-Nikhely, N.; Karger, A.; Sarode, P.; Singh, I.; Weigert, A.; Wietelmann, A.; Stiewe, T.; Dammann, R.; Fink, L.; Grimminger, F. et al.: Metastasis-Associated Protein 2 Represses NF-kappa B to Reduce Lung Tumor Growth and Inflammation. CANCER RESEARCH 80 (19), S. 4199 - 4211 (2020)
Trembinski, D. J.; Bink, D. I.; Theodorou, K.; Sommer, J.; Fischer, A.; van Bergen, A.; Kuo, C.-C.; Costa, I. G.; Schuermann, C.; Leisegang, M. S. et al.: Aging-regulated anti-apoptotic long non-coding RNA Sarrah augments recovery from acute myocardial infarction. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1) (2020)
Chennupati, R.; Wirth, A.; Favre, J.; Li, R.; Bonnavion, R.; Jin, Y.-J.; Wietelmann, A.; Schweda, F.; Wettschureck, N.; Henrion, D. et al.: Myogenic vasoconstriction requires G(12)/G(13) and LARG to maintain local and systemic vascular resistance. ELIFE 8, e49374 (2019)
Dabral, S.; Muecke, C.; Valasarajan, C.; Schmoranzer, M.; Wietelmann, A.; Semenza, G. L.; Meister, M.; Muley, T.; Seeger-Nukpezah, T.; Samakovlis, C. et al.: A RASSF1A-HIF1 alpha loop drives Warburg effect in cancer and pulmonary hypertension. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 2130 (2019)
Dhandapani, P. K.; Begines-Moreno, I. M.; Brea-Calvo, G.; Gaertner, U.; Graeber, T.; Javier Sanchez, G.; Morty, R. E.; Schoenig, K.; tenHoeve, J.; Wietelmann, A. et al.: Hyperoxia but not AOX expression mitigates pathological cardiac remodeling in a mouse model of inflammatory cardiomyopathy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9, 12741 (2019)
Rai, N.; Veeroju, S.; Schymura, Y.; Janssen, W.; Wietelmann, A.; Kojonazarov, B.; Weissmann, N.; Stasch, J.-P.; Ghofrani, H. A.; Seeger, W. et al.: Response to: Comment on "Effect of Riociguat and Sildenafil on Right Heart Remodeling and Function in Pressure Overload Induced Model of Pulmonary Arterial Banding". BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 7491284 (2018)
Rai, N.; Veeroju, S.; Schymura, Y.; Janssen, W.; Wietelmann, A.; Kojonazarov, B.; Weissmann, N.; Stasch, J.-P.; Ghofrani, H. A.; Seeger, W. et al.: Effect of Riociguat and Sildenafil on Right Heart Remodeling and Function in Pressure Overload Induced Model of Pulmonary Arterial Banding. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 3293584 (2018)
Fang, J.; Ianni, A.; Smolka, C.; Vakhrusheva, O.; Nolte, H.; Kruger, M.; Wietelmann, A.; Simonet, N. G.; Adrian-Segarra, J. M.; Vaquero, A. et al.: Sirt7 promotes adipogenesis in the mouse by inhibiting autocatalytic activation of Sirt1. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 (40), S. E8352 - E8361 (2017)