Publikationen von Stefan Guenther

Zeitschriftenartikel (169)

Boezio, G. L. M.; Bensimon-Brito, A.; Piesker, J.; Guenther, S.; Helker, C. S. M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Endothelial TGF-beta signaling instructs smooth muscle cell development in the cardiac outflow tract. ELIFE 9, e57603 (2020)
Taei, A.; Kiani, T.; Taghizadeh, Z.; Moradi, S.; Samadian, A.; Mollamohammadi, S.; Sharifi-Zarchi, A.; Guenther, S.; Akhlaghpour, A.; Abibeiglou, B. A. et al.; Najar-Asl, M.; Karamzadeh, R.; Khalooghi, K.; Braun, T.; Hassani, S.-N.; Baharvand, H.: Temporal activation of LRH-1 and RAR-gamma in human pluripotent stem cells induces a functional naive-like state. EMBO REPORTS, e47533 (2020)
Taei, A.; Kiani, T.; Taghizadeh, Z.; Moradi, S.; Samadian, A.; Mollamohammadi, S.; Sharifi-Zarchi, A.; Guenther, S.; Akhlaghpour, A.; Asgari Abibeiglou, B. et al.; Najar-Asl, M.; Karamzadeh, R.; Khalooghi, K.; Braun, T.; Hassani, S.-N.; Baharvand, H.: Temporal activation of LRH-1 and RAR-gamma in human pluripotent stem cells induces a functional naive-like state. EMBO REPORTS 21 (10), e47533 (2020)
Fukuda, R.; Marin-Juez, R.; EI-Sammak, H.; Beisaw, A.; Ramadass, R.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Konzer, A.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Stimulation of glycolysis promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation after injury in adult zebrafish. EMBO REPORTS, e49752 (2020)
Devraj, G.; Guerit, S.; Seele, J.; Spitzer, D.; Macas, J.; Khel I, M.; Heidemann, R.; Braczynskiz, A. K.; Ballhorn, W.; Guenther, S. et al.; Ogunshola, O. O.; Mittelbronn, M.; Koedel, U.; Monoranu, C. M.; Plate, K. H.; Hammerschmidt, S.; Nau, R.; Devraj, K.; Kempf, V. A. J.: HIF-1 alpha is involved in blood-brain barrier dysfunction and paracellular migration of bacteria in pneumococcal meningitis. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA (2020)
Kestner, R.-I.; Mayser, F.; Vutukuri, R.; Hansen, L.; Guenther, S.; Brunkhorst, R.; Devraj, K.; Pfeilschifter, W.: Gene Expression Dynamics at the Neurovascular Unit During Early Regeneration After Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Mice. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 14, 280 (2020)
Beisaw, A.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Dallmann, J.; Wu, C.-C.; Bentsen, M.; Looso, M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: AP-1 Contributes to Chromatin Accessibility to Promote Sarcomere Disassembly and Cardiomyocyte Protrusion During Zebrafish Heart Regeneration. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 126 (12), S. 1760 - 1778 (2020)
Bensimon-Brito, A.; Ramkumar, S.; Boezio, G. L. M.; Guenther, S.; Kuenne, C.; Helker, C. S. M.; Sanchez-Iranzo, H.; Iloska, D.; Piesker, J.; Pullamsetti, S. et al.; Mercader, N.; Beis, D.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: TGF-beta Signaling Promotes Tissue Formation during Cardiac Valve Regeneration in Adult Zebrafish. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 52 (1), S. 9 - + (2020)
Carvalho, J.; Chennupati, R.; Li, R.; Guenther, S.; Kaur, H.; Zhao, W.; Tonack, S.; Kurz, M.; Moesslein, N.; Buenemann, M. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPRC5B Controls Smooth Muscle Contractility and Differentiation by Inhibiting Prostacyclin Receptor Signaling. CIRCULATION 141 (14), S. 1168 - 1183 (2020)
Fukuda, R.; Marin-Juez, R.; El-Sammak, H.; Beisaw, A.; Ramadass, R.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Konzer, A.; Bhagwat, A. M.; Graumann, J. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Stimulation of glycolysis promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation after injury in adult zebrafish. EMBO REPORTS 21 (8), e49752 (2020)
Glaser, S. F.; Heumueller, A. W.; Tombor, L.; Hofmann, P.; Muhly-Reinholz, M.; Fischer, A.; Guenther, S.; Kokot, K. E.; Hassel, D.; Kumar, S. et al.; Jo, H.; Boon, R. A.; Abplanalp, W.; John, D.; Boeckel, J.-N.; Dimmeler, S.: The histone demethylase JMJD2B regulates endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117 (8), S. 4180 - 4187 (2020)
Klein, B.; Bhushan, S.; Guenther, S.; Middendorff, R.; Loveland, K. L.; Hedger, M. P.; Meinhardt, A.: Differential tissue-specific damage caused by bacterial epididymo-orchitis in the mouse. MOLECULAR HUMAN REPRODUCTION 26 (4), S. 215 - 227 (2020)
Pflueger-Mueller, B.; Oo, J. A.; Heering, J.; Warwick, T.; Proschak, E.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Rezende, F.; Fork, C.; Geisslinger, G. et al.; Thomas, D.; Gurke, R.; Steinhilber, D.; Schulz, M.; Leisegang, M. S.; Brandes, R. P.: The endocannabinoid anandamide has an anti-inflammatory effect on CCL2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY 115 (3), 34 (2020)
Salazar, Y.; Zheng, X.; Brunn, D.; Raifer, H.; Picard, F.; Zhang, Y.; Winter, H.; Guenther, S.; Weigert, A.; Weigmann, B. et al.; Dumoutier, L.; Renauld, J.-C.; Waisman, A.; Schmall, A.; Tufman, A.; Fink, L.; Bruene, B.; Bopp, T.; Grimminger, F.; Seeger, W.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Huber, M.; Savai, R.: Microenvironmental Th9 and Th17 lymphocytes induce metastatic spreading in lung cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 130 (7), S. 3560 - 3575 (2020)
Sarode, P.; Zheng, X.; Giotopoulou, G. A.; Weigert, A.; Kuenne, C.; Guenther, S.; Friedrich, A.; Gattenloehner, S.; Stiewe, T.; Bruene, B. et al.; Grimminger, F.; Stathopoulos, G. T.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Seeger, W.; Savai, R.: Reprogramming of tumor-associated macrophages by targeting beta-catenin/FOSL2/ARID5A signaling: A potential treatment of lung cancer. SCIENCE ADVANCES 6 (23), eaaz6105 (2020)
Shahriari, F.; Satarian, L.; Moradi, S.; Zarchi, A. S.; Guenther, S.; Kamal, A.; Totonchi, M.; Mowla, S.-J.; Braun, T.; Baharvand, H.: MicroRNA profiling reveals important functions of miR-125b and let-7a during human retinal pigment epithelial cell differentiation. EXPERIMENTAL EYE RESEARCH 190, 107883 (2020)
Sreenivasan, K.; Ianni, A.; Kuenne, C.; Strilic, B.; Guenther, S.; Perdiguero, E.; Krueger, M.; Spuler, S.; Offermanns, S.; Gomez-del Arco, P. et al.; Miguel Redondo, J.; Munoz-Canoves, P.; Kim, J.; Braun, T.: Attenuated Epigenetic Suppression of Muscle Stem Cell Necroptosis Is Required for Efficient Regeneration of Dystrophic Muscles. CELL REPORTS 31 (7), UNSP 107652 (2020)
Tellkamp, F.; Lang, F.; Ibanez, A.; Abraham, L.; Quezada, G.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Tann, F. J.; Mueller, D.; Cemic, F. et al.; Hemberger, J.; Steinfartz, S.; Krueger, M.: Proteomics of Galapagos Marine Iguanas Links Function of Femoral Gland Proteins to the Immune System. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 19 (9) (2020)
Turkowski, K.; Herzberg, F.; Guenther, S.; Brunn, D.; Weigert, A.; Meister, M.; Muley, T.; Kriegsmann, M.; Schneider, M. A.; Winter, H. et al.; Thomas, M.; Grimminger, F.; Seeger, W.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Savai, R.: Fibroblast Growth Factor-14 Acts as Tumor Suppressor in Lung Adenocarcinomas. CELLS 9 (8), 1755 (2020)
Zheng, X.; Weigert, A.; Reu, S.; Guenther, S.; Mansouri, S.; Bassaly, B.; Gattenlohner, S.; Grimminger, F.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Seeger, W. et al.; Winter, H.; Savai, R.: Spatial Density and Distribution of Tumor-Associated Macrophages Predict Survival in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma. CANCER RESEARCH 80 (20), S. 4414 - 4425 (2020)
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