Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Christos Samakovlis

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Mayr, C. H.; Sengupta, A.; Asgharpour, S.; Ansari, M.; Pestoni, J. C.; Ogar, P.; Angelidis, I.; Liontos, A.; Rodriguez-Castillo, J. A.; Lang, N. J. et al.; Strunz, M.; Porras-Gonzalez, D.; Gerckens, M.; De Sadeleer, L. J.; Oehrle, B.; Viteri-Alvarez, V.; Fernandez, I. E.; Tallquist, M.; Irmler, M.; Beckers, J.; Eickelberg, O.; Stoleriu, G. M.; Behr, J.; Kneidinger, N.; Wuyts, W. A.; Wasnick, R. M.; Yildirim, A. O.; Ahlbrecht, K.; Morty, R. E.; Samakovlis, C.; Theis, F. J.; Burgstaller, G.; Schiller, H. B.: Sfrp1 inhibits lung fibroblast invasion during transition to injury-induced myofibroblasts. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 63 (2), 2301326 (2024)
Journal Article
Alberro-Brage , A.; Kryvenko , V.; Malainou , C.; Guenther, S.; Morty, R. E.; Seeger, W.; Herold, S.; Samakovlis, C.; Vadasz, I.: Influenza virus decreases albumin uptake and megalin expression in alveolar epithelial cells. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 14, 1260973 (2023)
Journal Article
Kryvenko, V.; Alberro-Brage, A.; Fysikopoulos, A.; Wessendorf, M.; Tello, K.; Morty, R. E.; Herold, S.; Seeger, W.; Samakovlis, C.; Vadasz, I.: Clathrin-Mediated Albumin Clearance in Alveolar Epithelial Cells of Murine Precision-Cut Lung Slices. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 24 (3), 2644 (2023)
Journal Article
Chu, X.; Lingampally, A.; Moiseenko, A.; Kheirollahi, V.; Vazquez-Armendariz, A. I.; Koepke, J.; Khadim, A.; Kiliaris, G.; Felordi, M. S.; Zabihi, M. et al.; Shalashova, I.; Alexopoulos, I.; Guenther, S.; Lebrigand, K.; Truchi, M.; Guenther, A.; Braun, T.; Mari, B.; Samakovlis, C.; Li, X.; Seeger, W.; Herold, S.; Zhang, J.-S.; Bellusci, S.; El Agha, E.: GLI1+cells are a source of repair-supportive mesenchymal cells (RSMCs) during airway epithelial regeneration. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 79 (11), 581 (2022)
Journal Article
Taghizadeh, S.; Chao, C.-M.; Guenther, S.; Glaser, L.; Gersmann, L.; Michel, G.; Kraut, S.; Goth, K.; Koepke, J.; Heiner, M. et al.; Vazquez-Armendariz, A. I.; Herold, S.; Samakovlis, C.; Weissmann, N.; Ricci, F.; Aquila, G.; Boyer, L.; Ehrhardt, H.; Minoo, P.; Bellusci, S.; Rivetti, S.: FGF10 Triggers de novo Alveologenesis in a Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Model: Impact on Resident Mesenchymal Niche Cells. STEM CELLS (2022)
Journal Article
Yin, W.; Liontos, A.; Koepke, J.; Ghoul, M.; Mazzocchi, L.; Liu, X.; Lu, C.; Wu, H.; Fysikopoulos, A.; Sountoulidis, A. et al.; Seeger, W.; Ruppert, C.; Gunther, A.; Stainier, D. Y. R.; Samakovlis, C.: An essential function for autocrine hedgehog signaling in epithelial proliferation and differentiation in the trachea. DEVELOPMENT 149 (3), dev199804 (2022)
Journal Article
Dabral, S.; Muecke, C.; Valasarajan, C.; Schmoranzer, M.; Wietelmann, A.; Semenza, G. L.; Meister, M.; Muley, T.; Seeger-Nukpezah, T.; Samakovlis, C. et al.; Weissmann, N.; Grimminger, F.; Seeger, W.; Savai, R.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: A RASSF1A-HIF1 alpha loop drives Warburg effect in cancer and pulmonary hypertension. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 2130 (2019)
Journal Article
Klymenko, O.; Huehn, M.; Wilhelm, J.; Wasnick, R.; Shalashova, I.; Ruppert, C.; Henneke, I.; Hezel, S.; Guenther, K.; Mahavadi, P. et al.; Samakovlis, C.; Seeger, W.; Guenther, A.; Korfei, M.: Regulation and role of the ER stress transcription factor CHOP in alveolar epithelial type-II cells. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM 97 (7), pp. 973 - 990 (2019)
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