Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Marion Wiesnet

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Li, X.; Wu, F.; Guenther, S.; Looso, M.; Kuenne, C.; Zhang, T.; Wiesnet, M.; Klatt, S.; Zukunft, S.; Fleming, I. et al.; Poschet, G.; Wietelmann, A.; Atzberger, A.; Potente, M.; Yuan, X.; Braun, T.: Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation enables heart regeneration in adult mice. NATURE (2023)
Journal Article
Garcia-Gonzalez, C.; Dieterich, C.; Maroli, G.; Wiesnet, M.; Wietelmann, A.; Li, X.; Yuan, X.; Graumann, J.; Stellos, K.; Kubin, T. et al.; Schneider, A.; Braun, T.: ADAR1 Prevents Autoinflammatory Processes in the Heart Mediated by IRF7. CIRCULATION RESEARCH 131 (7), pp. 580 - 597 (2022)
Journal Article
Hotz, P. W.; Wiesnet, M.; Tascher, G.; Braun, T.; Mueller, S.; Mendler, L.: Profiling the Murine SUMO Proteome in Response to Cardiac Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury. MOLECULES 25 (23), 5571 (2020)
Journal Article
Salwig, I.; Spitznagel, B.; Wiesnet, M.; Braun, T.: Imaging lung regeneration by light sheet microscopy. HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY (2020)
Journal Article
Szibor, M.; Schreckenberg, R.; Gizatullina, Z.; Dufour, E.; Wiesnet, M.; Dhandapani, P. K.; Debska-Vielhaber, G.; Heidler, J.; Wittig, I.; Nyman, T. A. et al.; Gaertner, U.; Hall, A. R.; Pell, V.; Viscomi, C.; Krieg, T.; Murphy, M. P.; Braun, T.; Gellerich, F. N.; Schlueter, K.-D.; Jacobs, H. T.: Respiratory chain signalling is essential for adaptive remodelling following cardiac ischaemia. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE 24 (6), pp. 3534 - 3548 (2020)
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