Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Tilman Pfeffer

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Perez-Bravo, D.; Myti, D.; Mizikova, I.; Pfeffer, T.; Surate Solaligue, D. E.; Nardiello, C.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S.; Seeger, W.; Ahlbrecht, K. et al.; Morty, R. E.: A comparison of airway pressures for inflation fixation of developing mouse lungs for stereological analyses. HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY (2020)
Journal Article
Pfeffer, T.; Lignelli, E.; Inoue, H.; Mizikova, I.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Steenbock, H.; Myti, D.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S.; Seeger, W. et al.; Brinckmann, J.; Morty, R. E.: Minoxidil Cannot Be Used To Target Lysyl Hydroxylases during Postnatal Mouse Lung Development: A Cautionary Note. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS 375 (3), pp. 478 - 487 (2020)
Journal Article
Kleefeldt, J. M.; Pozarska, A.; Nardiello, C.; Pfeffer, T.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.: Commercially available transfection reagents and negative control siRNA are not inert. ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 606, 113828 (2020)
Journal Article
Mizikova, I.; Pfeffer, T.; Nardiello, C.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Steenbock, H.; Tatsukawa, H.; Silva, D. M.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S.; Pease, R. J. et al.; Iismaa, S. E.; Hitomi, K.; Seeger, W.; Brinckmann, J.; Morty, R. E.: Targeting transglutaminase 2 partially restores extracellular matrix structure but not alveolar architecture in experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia. FEBS JOURNAL 285 (16), pp. 3056 - 3076 (2018)
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