Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Aglaia Ntokou

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Rodriguez-Castillo, J. A.; Perez, D. B.; Ntokou, A.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.; Ahlbrecht, K.: Understanding alveolarization to induce lung regeneration. RESPIRATORY RESEARCH 19, 148 (2018)
Journal Article
El Agha, E.; Moiseenko, A.; Kheirollahi, V.; De langhe, S.; Crnkovic, S.; Kwapiszewska, G.; Kosanovic, D.; Schwind, F.; Schermuly, R. T.; Henneke, I. et al.; MacKenzie, B.; Quantius, J.; Herold, S.; Ntokou, A.; Ahlbrecht, K.; Morty, R. E.; Guenther, A.; Seeger, W.; Bellusci, S.: Two-Way Conversion between Lipogenic and Myogenic Fibroblastic Phenotypes Marks the Progression and Resolution of Lung Fibrosis. CELL STEM CELL 20 (2), pp. 261 - + (2017)
Journal Article
Ntokou, A.; Szibor, M.; Rodriguez-Castillo, J. A.; Quantius, J.; Herold, S.; El Agha, E.; Bellusci, S.; Salwig, I.; Braun, T.; Voswinckel, R. et al.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.; Ahlbrecht, K.: A novel mouse Cre-driver line targeting Perilipin 2-expressing cells in the neonatal lung. GENESIS 55 (12), e23080 (2017)
Journal Article
Pozarska, A.; Rodriguez-Castillo, J. A.; Solaligue, D. E. S.; Ntokou, A.; Rath, P.; Mizikova, I.; Madurga, A.; Mayer, K.; Vadasz, I.; Herold, S. et al.; Ahlbrecht, K.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R. E.: Stereological monitoring of mouse lung alveolarization from the early postnatal period to adulthood. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY 312 (6), pp. L882 - L895 (2017)
Journal Article
Rodriguez-Castillo, J.; Ntokou, A.; Atzberger, A.; Tallquist, M. D.; Seeger, W.; Morty, R.; Ahlbrecht, K.: Characterization Of Tcf21+Lung Cells During Neo-Alveolarization. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 195 (2017)
Journal Article
Solaligue, D. E. S.; Pozarska, A.; Rodriguez-Castillo, J.; Ntokou, A.; Morty, R.; Seeger, W.: Stereological Monitoring Of Post-Natal Lung Maturation In The Mouse. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 195 (2017)
Journal Article
Ntokou, A.; Morty, R. E.; Seeger, W.; Ahlbrecht, K.: Muring Lung Lipofibroblast Lineage Tracing. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 193 (2016)
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