Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Prakash Chelladurai

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Khassafi, F.; Chelladurai, P.; Valasarajan, C.; Nayakanti, S. R.; Martineau, S.; Sommer, N.; Yokokawa, T.; Boucherat, O.; Kamal, A.; Kiely, D. G. et al.; Swift, A. J.; Alabed, S.; Omura, J.; Breuils-Bonnet, S.; Kuenne, C.; Potus, F.; Guenther, S.; Savai, R.; Seeger, W.; Looso, M.; Zaugg, J. B.; Tello, K.; Provencher, S.; Bonnet, S.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Transcriptional profiling unveils molecular subgroups of adaptive and maladaptive right ventricular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension. NATURE CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 2 (10), pp. 917 - + (2023)
Journal Article
Zheng, X.; Sarode, P.; Weigert , A.; Turkowski, K.; Chelladurai, P.; Guenther, S.; Kuenne, C.; Winter , H.; Stenzinger, A.; Reu, S. et al.; Grimminger, F.; Stiewe, T.; Seeger, W.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Savai, R.: The HDAC2-SP1 Axis Orchestrates Protumor Macrophage Polarization. CANCER RESEARCH 83 (14), pp. 2345 - 2357 (2023)
Journal Article
Chelladurai, P.; Kuenne, C.; Bourgeois, A.; Guenther, S.; Valasarajan, C.; Cherian V, A.; Rottier, R. J.; Romanet, C.; Weigert, A.; Boucherat, O. et al.; Eichstaedt, C. A.; Ruppert, C.; Guenther, A.; Braun, T.; Looso, M.; Savai, R.; Seeger, W.; Bauer, U.-M.; Bonnet, S.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Epigenetic reactivation of transcriptional programs orchestrating fetal lung development in human pulmonary hypertension. SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 14 (648), eabe5407 (2022)
Journal Article
Keranov, S.; Doerr, O.; Jafari, L.; Troidl, C.; Liebetrau, C.; Kriechbaum, S.; Keller, T.; Voss, S.; Bauer, T.; Lorenz, J. et al.; Richter, M. J.; Tello, K.; Gall, H.; Ghofrani, H. A.; Mayer, E.; Wiedenroth, C. B.; Guth, S.; Loerchner, H.; Poeling, J.; Chelladurai, P.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Braun, T.; Seeger, W.; Hamm, C. W.; Nef, H.: CILP1 as a biomarker for right ventricular maladaptation in pulmonary hypertension. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 57 (4), 1901192 (2021)
Journal Article
Chelladurai, P.; Boucherat, O.; Stenmark, K.; Kracht, M.; Seeger, W.; Bauer, U.-M.; Bonnet, S.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Targeting histone acetylation in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 178 (1), pp. 54 - 71 (2021)
Journal Article
Chelladurai, P.; Dabral, S.; Basineni, S. R.; Chen, C.-N.; Schmoranzer, M.; Bender, N.; Feld, C.; Noetzold, R. R.; Dobreva, G.; Wilhelm, J. et al.; Jungblut, B.; Zhao, L.; Bauer, U.-M.; Seeger, W.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Isoform-specific characterization of class I histone deacetylases and their therapeutic modulation in pulmonary hypertension. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 (1), 12864 (2020)
Journal Article
Chelladurai, P.; Kuenne, C.; Weber, C.; Schmoranzer, M.; Notzold, R.; Seeger, W.; Looso, M.; Bauer, U. -.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Vascular Cell-Specific Genome-Wide Profiling Of Epigenetic Landscape Reveals Gene Regulatory Signatures In Human Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 193 (2016)
Journal Article
Chelladurai, P.; Kuenne, C.; Weber, C.; Schmoranzer, M.; Notzold, R.; Seeger, W.; Looso, M.; Bauer, U. -.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Vascular Cell-Specific Genome-Wide Profiling Of Epigenetic Landscape Reveals Gene Regulatory Signatures In Human Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 193 (2016)
Journal Article
Chelladurai, P.; Seeger, W.; Pullamsetti, S. S.: Epigenetic mechanisms in pulmonary arterial hypertension: the need for global perspectives. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW 25 (140), pp. 135 - 140 (2016)
Journal Article
Pullamsetti, S. S.; Perros, F.; Chelladurai, P.; Yuan, J.; Stenmark, K.: Transcription factors, transcriptional coregulators, and epigenetic modulation in the control of pulmonary vascular cell phenotype: therapeutic implications for pulmonary hypertension (2015 Grover Conference series). Pulmonary Circulation 6 (4), pp. 448 - 464 (2016)
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