Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Michelle M. Collins

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Villasenor, A.; Gauvrit, S.; Collins, M. M.; Maischein, H.-M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Hhex regulates the specification and growth of the hepatopancreatic ductal system. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 458 (2), pp. 228 - 236 (2020)
Journal Article
Collins, M. M.; Ahlberg, G.; Hansen, C. V.; Guenther, S.; Marin-Juez, R.; Sokol, A. M.; El-Sammak, H.; Piesker, J.; Hellsten, Y.; Olesen, M. S. et al.; Stainier, D. Y. R.; Lundegaard, P. R.: Early sarcomere and metabolic defects in a zebrafish pitx2c cardiac arrhythmia model. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116 (48), pp. 24115 - 24121 (2019)
Journal Article
Collins, M. M.; Maischein, H.-M.; Dufourcq, P.; Charpentier, M.; Blader, P.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: Pitx2c orchestrates embryonic axis extension via mesendodermal cell migration. ELIFE 7, e34880 (2018)
Journal Article
Gauvrit, S.; Villasenor, A.; Strilic, B.; Kitchen, P.; Collins, M. M.; Marin-Juez, R.; Guenther, S.; Maischein, H.-M.; Fukuda, N.; Canham, M. A. et al.; Brickman, J. M.; Bogue, C. W.; Jayaraman, P.-S.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: HHEX is a transcriptional regulator of the VEGFC/FLT4/PROX1 signaling axis during vascular development. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9, 2704 (2018)
Journal Article
Lai, J. K. H.; Collins, M. M.; Uribe, V.; Jimenez-Amilburu, V.; Guenther, S.; Maischein, H.-M.; Stainier, D. Y. R.: The Hippo pathway effector Wwtr1 regulates cardiac wall maturation in zebrafish. DEVELOPMENT 145 (10), UNSP dev159210 (2018)
Journal Article
Sokol, A. M.; Uszczynska-Ratajczak, B.; Collins, M. M.; Bazala, M.; Topf, U.; Lundegaard, P. R.; Sugunan, S.; Guenther, S.; Kuenne, C.; Graumann, J. et al.; Chan, S. S. L.; Stainier, D. Y. R.; Chacinska, A.: Loss of the Mia40a oxidoreductase leads to hepato-pancreatic insufficiency in zebrafish. PLOS GENETICS 14 (11), e1007743 (2018)
Journal Article
Baumholtz, A. I.; Simard, A.; Nikolopoulou, E.; Oosenbrug, M.; Collins, M. M.; Piontek, A.; Krause, G.; Piontek, J.; Greene, N. D. E.; Ryan, A. K.: Claudins are essential for cell shape changes and convergent extension movements during neural tube closure. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 428 (1), pp. 25 - 38 (2017)
Journal Article
Collins, M. M.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Organ Function as a Modulator of Organ Formation: Lessons from Zebrafish. ESSAYS ON DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, PT B, pp. 417 - 433 (2016)
Journal Article
Collins, M. M.; Stainier, D. Y.R.: Organ Function as a Modulator of Organ Formation: Lessons from Zebrafish. ESSAYS ON DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, PT B, pp. 417 - 433 (2016)
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