Documents for the Scientific Advisory Board

Publications of Hui Qi

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Qi, H.; Liu, H.; Pullamsetti, S. S.; Gunther, S.; Kuenne, C.; Atzberger, A.; Sommer, N.; Hadzic, S.; Gunther, A.; Weissmann, N. et al.; Zhou, Y.; Yuan, X.; Braun, T.: Epigenetic Regulation by Suv4-20h1 in Cardiopulmonary Progenitor Cells Is Required to Prevent Pulmonary Hypertension and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. CIRCULATION 144 (13), pp. 1042 - 1058 (2021)
Journal Article
Ma, F.; Qi, H.; Hu, Y.-F.; Jiang, Q.-R.; Zhang, L.-G.; Xue, P.; Yang, F.-Q.; Wang, R.; Ju, Y.; Uchida, H. et al.; Zhang, Q.; Sodmergen: The Mitochondrial Endonuclease M20 Participates in the Down-Regulation of Mitochondrial DNA in Pollen Cells. Plant Physiology 178 (4), pp. 1537 - 1550 (2018)
Journal Article
Yuan, X.; Qi, H.; Li, X.; Wu, F.; Fang, J.; Bober, E.; Dobreva, G.; Zhou, Y.; Braun, T.: Disruption of spatiotemporal hypoxic signaling causes congenital heart disease in mice. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 127 (6), pp. 2235 - 2248 (2017)
Journal Article
Boonsanay, V.; Zhang, T.; Georgieva, A.; Kostin, S.; Qi, H.; Yuan, X.; Zhou, Y.; Braun, T.: Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Quiescence by Suv4-20h1-Dependent Facultative Heterochromatin Formation. CELL STEM CELL 18 (2), pp. 229 - 242 (2016)
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