Publications of S. Offermanns

Journal Article (162)

Journal Article
Goodwin, A. T.; Tatler, A. L.; Offermanns, S.; Jenkins, G.: CYCLICAL STRETCH INDUCES G alpha Q/11 MEDIATED TGF beta ACTIVATION IN LUNG FIBROBLASTS. THORAX 72, pp. A47 - A48 (2017)
Journal Article
Hohmann, S. W.; Angioni, C.; Tunaru, S.; Lee, S.; Woolf, C. J.; Offermanns, S.; Geisslinger, G.; Scholich, K.; Sisignano, M.: The G2A receptor (GPR132) contributes to oxaliplatin-induced mechanical pain hypersensitivity. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7, 446 (2017)
Journal Article
Idris-Khodja, N.; Ouerd, S.; Trindade, M.; Gornitsky, J.; Rehman, A.; Barhoumi, T.; Offermanns, S.; Gonzalez, F. J.; Neves, M. F.; Paradis, P. et al.; Schiffrin, E. L.: Vascular smoothmuscle cell peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma protects against endothelin-l-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 35 (7), pp. 1390 - 1401 (2017)
Journal Article
Kaur, H.; Carvalho, J.; Looso, M.; Singh, P.; Chennupati, R.; Preussner, J.; Guenther, S.; Albarran-Juarez, J.; Tischner, D.; Classen, S. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Single-cell profiling reveals heterogeneity and functional patterning of GPCR expression in the vascular system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 15700 (2017)
Journal Article
Kespohl, M.; Vachharajani, N.; Luu, M.; Harb, H.; Pautz, S.; Wolff, S.; Sillner, N.; Walker, A.; Schmitt-Kopplin, P.; Boettger, T. et al.; Renz, H.; Offermanns, S.; Steinhoff, U.; Visekruna, A.: The Microbial Metabolite Butyrate Induces Expression of Th1-Associated Factors in CD4(+) T cells. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 8, 1036 (2017)
Journal Article
Kroetsch, J. T.; Levy, A. S.; Zhang, H.; Aschar-Sobbi, R.; Lidington, D.; Offermanns, S.; Nedospasov, S. A.; Backx, P. H.; Heximer, S. P.; Bolz, S.-S.: Constitutive smooth muscle tumour necrosis factor regulates microvascular myogenic responsiveness and systemic blood pressure. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 14805 (2017)
Journal Article
Leiss, V.; Schoensiegel, A.; Sartorius, T.; Machann, J.; Sassmann, A.; Offermanns, S.; Haering, H. U.; Nuernberg, B.: G alpha(i2)-deletion in adipocytes causes a lean phenotype. NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY 390, p. S10 - S10 (2017)
Journal Article
Liao, M.; Zhou, J.; Wang, F.; Ali, Y. H.; Chan, K. L.; Zou, F.; Offermanns, S.; Jiang, Z.; Jiang, Z.: An X-linked Myh11-CreER(T2) mouse line resulting from Y to X chromosome-translocation of the Cre allele. GENESIS 55 (9), e23054 (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, S.; Lu, S.; Xu, R.; Atzberger, A.; Guenther, S.; Wettschureck, N.; Offermanns, S.: Members of Bitter Taste Receptor Cluster Tas2r143/Tas2r135/Tas2r126 Are Expressed in the Epithelium of Murine Airways and Other Non-gustatory Tissues. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 8, 849 (2017)
Journal Article
Lu, S.; Liu, S.; Wietelmann, A.; Kojonazarov, B.; Atzberger, A.; Tang, C.; Schermuly, R. T.; Grone, H.-J.; Offermanns, S.: Developmental vascular remodeling defects and postnatal kidney failure in mice lacking Gpr116 (Adgrf5) and Eltd1 (Adgrl4). PLOS ONE 12 (8), e0183166 (2017)
Journal Article
Morland, C.; Andersson, K. A.; Haugen, O. P.; Hadzic, A.; Kleppa, L.; Gille, A.; Rinholm, J. E.; Palibrk, V.; Diget, E. H.; Kennedy, L. H. et al.; Stolen, T.; Hennestad, E.; Moldestad, O.; Cai, Y.; Puchades, M.; Offermanns, S.; Vervaeke, K.; Bjoras, M.; Wisloff, U.; Storm-Mathisen, J.; Bergersen, L. H.: Exercise induces cerebral VEGF and angiogenesis via the lactate receptor HCAR1. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 15557 (2017)
Journal Article
Mueller-Fielitz, H.; Stahr, M.; Bernau, M.; Richter, M.; Abele, S.; Krajka, V.; Benzin, A.; Wenzel, J.; Kalies, K.; Mittag, J. et al.; Heuer, H.; Offermanns, S.; Schwaninger, M.: Tanycytes control the hormonal output of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 484 (2017)
Journal Article
Offermanns, S.: Hydroxy-Carboxylic Acid Receptor Actions in Metabolism. TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 28 (3), pp. 227 - 236 (2017)
Journal Article
Paldy, E.; Simonetti, M.; Worzfeld, T.; Bali, K. K.; Vicuna, L.; Offermanns, S.; Kuner, R.: Semaphorin 4C Plexin-B2 signaling in peripheral sensory neurons is pronociceptive in a model of inflammatory pain. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 176 (2017)
Journal Article
Plikus, M. V.; Guerrero-Juarez, C. F.; Ito, M.; Li, Y. R.; Dedhia, P. H.; Zheng, Y.; Shao, M.; Gay, D. L.; Ramos, R.; Hsi, T.-C. et al.; Oh, J. W.; Wang, X.; Ramirez, A.; Konopelski, S. E.; Elzein, A.; Wang, A.; Supapannachart, R. J.; Lee, H.-L.; Lim, C. H.; Nace, A.; Guo, A.; Treffeisen, E.; Andl, T.; Ramirez, R. N.; Murad, R.; Offermanns, S.; Metzger, D.; Chambon, P.; Widgerow, A. D.; Tuan, T.-L.; Mortazavi, A.; Gupta, R. K.; Hamilton, B. A.; Millar, S. E.; Seale, P.; Pear, W. S.; Lazar, M. A.; Cotsarelis, G.: Regeneration of fat cells from myofibroblasts during wound healing. SCIENCE 355 (6326), pp. 748 - + (2017)
Journal Article
Schmitz, K.; Brunkhorst, R.; de Bruin, N.; Mayer, C.; Ferreiros, N.; Parnham, M.; Offermanns, S.; Foerch, C.; Vogt, J.; Wicker, S. et al.; Geisslinger, G.; Tegeder, I.: Dysregulation of lysophosphatidic acids in multiple sclerosis and in autoimmune encephalomyelitis. NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY 390, p. S18 - S18 (2017)
Journal Article
Schmitz, K.; Brunkhorst, R.; de Bruin, N.; Mayer, C. A.; Haeussler, A.; Ferreiros, N.; Schiffmann, S.; Parnham, M. J.; Tunaru, S.; Chun, J. et al.; Offermanns, S.; Foerch, C.; Scholich, K.; Vogt, J.; Wicker, S.; Loetsch, J.; Geisslinger, G.; Tegeder, I.: Dysregulation of lysophosphatidic acids in multiple sclerosis and autoimmune encephalomyelitis. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA COMMUNICATIONS 5, 42 (2017)
Journal Article
Strilic, B.; Offermanns, S.: Intravascular Survival and Extravasation of Tumor Cells. CANCER CELL 32 (3), pp. 282 - 293 (2017)
Journal Article
Sun, T.; Yang, L.; Kaur, H.; Pestel, J.; Looso, M.; Nolte, H.; Krasel, C.; Heil, D.; Krishnan, R. K.; Santoni, M.-J. et al.; Borg, J.-P.; Buenemann, M.; Offermanns, S.; Swiercz, J. M.; Worzfeld, T.: A reverse signaling pathway downstream of Sema4A controls cell migration via Scrib. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 216 (1), pp. 199 - 215 (2017)
Journal Article
Tischner, D.; Grimm, M.; Kaur, H.; Staudenraus, D.; Carvalho, J.; Looso, M.; Guenther, S.; Wanke, F.; Moos, S.; Siller, N. et al.; Breuer, J.; Schwab, N.; Zipp, F.; Waisman, A.; Kurschus, F. C.; Offermanns, S.; Wettschureck, N.: Single-cell profiling reveals GPCR heterogeneity and functional patterning during neuroinflammation. JCI INSIGHT 2 (15), UNSP e95063 (2017)
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